ScriblHTML5 Canvas Genomics Graphics Library | |
| Scribl.js |
Scribl Class
sets defaults, defines how to add features
to chart/view and some methods to help
coordinate drawing
Chase Miller 2011
var SCRIBL = {};
SCRIBL.chars = {};
SCRIBL.chars.nt_color = 'white';
SCRIBL.chars.nt_A_bg = 'red';
SCRIBL.chars.nt_G_bg = 'blue';
SCRIBL.chars.nt_C_bg = 'green';
SCRIBL.chars.nt_T_bg = 'black';
SCRIBL.chars.nt_N_bg = 'purple';
SCRIBL.chars.nt_dash_bg = 'rgb(120,120,120)';
SCRIBL.chars.heights = [];
SCRIBL.chars.canvasHolder = document.createElement('canvas');
var Scribl = Class.extend({
Constructor, call this with new Scribl()
param: Object canvasHTML object param: Int width of chart in pixels return: Object Scribl object api: public
init: function(canvas, width) {
this.scrolled = false;
var ctx;
if (canvas)
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var chart = this;
this.width = width;
this.uid = _uniqueId('chart');
this.laneSizes = 50;
this.laneBuffer = 5;
this.trackBuffer = 25;
this.offset = undefined;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = ctx;
this.scale = {};
this.scale.pretty = true;
this.scale.max = undefined;
this.scale.min = undefined; = true;
this.scale.userControlled = false;
this.scale.positions = [0]; = false;
this.scale.size = 15;
this.scale.font = {};
this.scale.font.size = 15;
this.scale.font.color = 'black';
this.scale.font.buffer = 10;
this.glyph = {};
this.glyph.roundness = 6;
this.glyph.borderWidth = 1;
this.glyph.color = ['#99CCFF', 'rgb(63, 128, 205)'];
this.glyph.text = {};
this.glyph.text.color = 'black';
this.glyph.text.size = '13';
this.glyph.text.font = 'arial';
this.glyph.text.align = 'center';
this.gene = {};
this.gene.text = {};
this.protein = {};
this.protein.text = {}; = {}; = false; = false; = new Array; = new Array; = false;
this.mouseHandler = function(e) {
chart.handleMouseEvent(e, 'mouseover')
this.clickHandler = function(e) { chart.handleMouseEvent(e, 'click') };
this.tick = {}; = true;
this.tick.major = {};
this.tick.major.size = 10;
this.tick.major.color = 'black';
this.tick.minor = {};
this.tick.minor.size = 1;
this.tick.minor.color = 'rgb(55,55,55)';
this.tick.halfColor = 'rgb(10,10,10)';
this.tooltips = {};
this.tooltips.text = {}
this.tooltips.text.font = 'arial';
this.tooltips.text.size = 12;
this.tooltips.borderWidth = 1;
this.tooltips.roundness = 5;
this.tooltips.fade = false; = 'light';
this.lastToolTips = [];
this.scrollable = false;
this.scrollValues = [0, undefined];
this.chars = {};
this.chars.drawOnBuild = [];
this.drawStyle = 'expand';
this.glyphHooks = [];
this.trackHooks = [];
this.myMouseEventHandler = new MouseEventHandler(this);
this.tracks = [];
var scaleSize = this.scale.size;
var scaleFontSize = this.scale.font.size
Get the height of the scale/ruler
getScaleHeight: function() {
return (this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size);
Get the height of the entire Scribl chart/view
getHeight: function() {
var wholeHeight = 0;
if (! wholeHeight += this.getScaleHeight();
var numTracks = this.tracks.length
for (var i=0; i < numTracks; i++) {
wholeHeight += this.trackBuffer;
wholeHeight += this.tracks[i].getHeight();
return wholeHeight;
Returns an array of features (e.g. gene)
getFeatures: function() {
var features = [];
for (var i=0; i < this.tracks.length; i++){
for (var k=0; k < this.tracks[i].lanes.length; k++) {
features = features.concat(this.tracks[i].lanes[k].features);
return features;
Changes the canvas that Scribl draws to
setCanvas: function(canvas){
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
Inserts a scale at the end of the last track currently added to the chart
addScale: function() {
if (this.scale.userControlled)
this.scale.positions.push( this.tracks.length );
else {
this.scale.positions = [ this.tracks.length ];
this.scale.userControlled = true;
Creates a new track and adds it to the Scribl chart/view
addTrack: function() {
var track = new Track(this);
if (this.tracks.length == 1 && this.tracks[0] == undefined)
this.tracks = [];
return track;
removes a track
removeTrack: function(track) {
var chart = this;
for (var i=0; i < chart.tracks.length; i++){
if (track.uid == chart.tracks[i].uid)
delete track;
parses a genbank file and adds the features to the Scribl chart/view
loadGenbank: function(file) {
genbank(file, this);
parses a bed file and adds the features to the Scribl chart/view
loadBed: function(file) {
bed(file, this);
parses a bam file and adds the features to the Scribl chart/view
loadBam: function(bamFile, baiFile, chr, start, end, callback) {
var scribl = this;
var track = scribl.addTrack();
track.status = 'waiting';
makeBam(new BlobFetchable(bamFile),
new BlobFetchable(baiFile),
function(bam, reader) {
scribl.file = bam;
bam.fetch(chr, start, end, function(r, e) {
if (r) {
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i += 1) {
track.addFeature( new BlockArrow('bam', r[i].pos, r[i].lengthOnRef, '+', {'seq':r[i].seq}))
track.status = "received";
if (track.drawOnResponse)
if (e) {
alert('error: ' + e);
return track;
adds the features to the Scribl chart/view
param: Array features - array of features, which can be any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..) api: public
loadFeatures: function(features) {
for ( var i=0; i < features.length; i++ )
this.addFeature( features[i] );
syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the gene type
param: Int position - start position of the feature param: Int length - length of the feature param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to feature return: Object feature - a feature with the 'feature' type api: public
addGene: function (position, length, strand, opts) {
return (this.addFeature(
new BlockArrow('gene', position, length, strand, opts)
syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the protein type
param: Int position - start position of the protein param: Int length - length of the protein param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to protein return: Object protein - a feature with the 'protein' type api: public
addProtein: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
return (this.addFeature(
new BlockArrow('protein', position, length, strand, opts)
addFeature to Scribl chart/view and let Scribl manage track and lane placement to avoid overlaps
chart.addFeature( new Rect('complex',3500, 2000) );
addFeature: function( feature ) {
var track = this.tracks[0] || this.addTrack();
return feature;
slices the Scribl chart/view at given places and returns a smaller chart/view
param: Int from - nucleotide position to slice from param: Int to - nucleotide position to slice to param: String type - inclusive (defaulte) includes any feature that has any part in region, exclusive, includes only features that are entirely in the region, strict if feature is partly in region, it'll cut that feature at the boundary and include the cut portion return: Object Scribl api: public
slice: function(from, to, type) {
type = type || 'inclusive';
var chart = this;
var sliced_features = [];
var numTracks = this.tracks.length;
var newChart = new Scribl(this.canvas, this.width);
newChart.scale.min = this.scale.min;
newChart.scale.max = this.scale.max;
newChart.offset = this.offset; =;
newChart.scale.pretty = this.scale.pretty;
newChart.laneSizes = this.laneSizes;
newChart.drawStyle = this.drawStyle;
newChart.glyph = this.glyph;
newChart.glyphHooks = this.glyphHooks;
newChart.trackHooks = this.trackHooks;
newChart.previousDrawStyle = this.previousDrawStyle;
for ( var j=0; j < numTracks; j++) {
var track = this.tracks[j];
var newTrack = newChart.addTrack();
newTrack.drawStyle = track.drawStyle;
var numLanes = track.lanes.length;
for ( var i=0; i < numLanes; i++ ) {
var newLane = newTrack.addLane();
var s_features = track.lanes[i].features;
for (var k=0; k < s_features.length; k++ ) {
var end = s_features[k].position + s_features[k].length;
var start = s_features[k].position;
if(type == 'inclusive') {
if ( start >= from && start <= to )
newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
else if ( end > from && end < to )
newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
else if ( start < from && end > to )
newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
else if ( start > from && end < to)
newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
} else if (type == 'strict') {
if ( start >= from && start <= to){
if (end > from && end < to)
newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
else {
if (s_features[k].glyphType == "BlockArrow" && s_features[k].strand == "+")
var f = s_features[k].clone("Rect");
var f = s_features[k].clone();
f.length = Math.abs(to - start);
newLane.addFeature( f );
} else if (end > from && end < to) {
if (s_features[k].glyphType == "BlockArrow" && s_features[k].strand == "-")
var f = s_features[k].clone("Rect");
var f = s_features[k].clone();
f.position = from;
f.length = Math.abs(end - from);
newLane.addFeature( f );
else if( start < from && end > to){
if (s_features[k].glyphType == "BlockArrow")
var f = s_features[k].clone("Rect");
var f = s_features[k].clone();
f.position = from;
f.length = Math.abs(to - from);
newLane.addFeature( f );
} else if (type == 'exclusive') {
if ( start >= from && start <= to && end > from && end < to)
newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
return newChart;
draws everything
draw: function() {
var ctx = this.ctx;
var tracks = this.tracks;
if (this.scrollable == true) {
if (this.offset == undefined)
this.offset = Math.ceil( ctx.measureText('0').width/2 + 10 );;
for (var i=0; i<tracks.length; i++) {
if (! && this.scale.positions.indexOf(i) != -1)
if (! && this.scale.positions.indexOf(tracks.length) != -1)
if (!
clears chart/view and draws it
redraw: function(){
this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
if (this.tracks.length > 0)
initializes scale
initScale: function() {
if (this.scale.pretty) {
if ( {
this.tick.major.size = this.determineMajorTick();
this.tick.minor.size = Math.round(this.tick.major.size / 10);
if ( {
this.scale.min -= this.scale.min % this.tick.major.size;
this.scale.max = Math.round(this.scale.max / this.tick.major.size + .4)
* this.tick.major.size;
draws scale
drawScale: function(options){
var firstMinorTick;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var fillStyleRevert = ctx.fillStyle;
if(options && options.init)
var tickStartPos = this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size;
var majorTickEndPos = this.scale.font.size + 2;
var minorTickEndPos = this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size * 0.66;
var halfTickEndPos = this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size * 0.33;
ctx.font = this.scale.font.size + 'px arial';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.fillStyle = this.scale.font.color;
if (this.offset == undefined)
this.offset = Math.ceil( ctx.measureText('0').width/2 + 10 );
if (this.scale.min % this.tick.minor.size == 0)
firstMinorTick = this.scale.min
firstMinorTick = this.scale.min - (this.scale.min % this.tick.minor.size)
+ this.tick.minor.size;
for(var i = firstMinorTick; i <= this.scale.max; i += this.tick.minor.size){
if(i == 187250)
var h = 2;
var curr_pos = this.pixelsToNts(i - this.scale.min) + this.offset;
if ( i % this.tick.major.size == 0) {
var tickText = this.getTickText(i);
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillText( tickText , curr_pos, 0 );
ctx.moveTo( curr_pos, tickStartPos );
ctx.lineTo( curr_pos, majorTickEndPos );
ctx.strokeStyle = this.tick.major.color;
} else {
ctx.moveTo( curr_pos, tickStartPos );
if ( i % (this.tick.major.size/2) == 0 ) {
ctx.strokeStyle = this.tick.halfColor;
ctx.lineTo( curr_pos, halfTickEndPos );
ctx.strokeStyle = this.tick.minor.color;
ctx.lineTo( curr_pos, minorTickEndPos );
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyleRevert;
ctx.translate(0, this.getScaleHeight() + this.laneBuffer);
Get the number of nucleotides per the given pixels
param: Int [pixels] optional - if not given, the ratio of pixels/nts will be returned return: Int nucleotides or pixels/nts ratio api: internal
pixelsToNts: function(pixels) {
if (pixels == undefined)
return ( this.width / ( this.scale.max - this.scale.min) );
return ( this.width / ( this.scale.max - this.scale.min) * pixels );
Get the number of pixels shown per given nucleotides
param: Int [nucleotides] optional - if not given, the ratio of nts/pixel will be returned return: Int pixels or nts/pixel ratio api: internal
ntsToPixels: function(nts) {
if (nts == undefined)
return ( 1 / this.pixelsToNts() );
return ( nts / this.width );
turns static chart into scrollable chart
initScrollable: function() {
var scrollStartMin;
if (!this.scrolled){
var parentDiv = document.createElement('div');
var canvasContainer = document.createElement('div');
var sliderDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'scribl-zoom-slider';
sliderDiv.className = 'slider'; = 'left'; = (new String(this.canvas.height * .5)) + 'px'; = '30px auto auto -20px' =; = '';
parentWidth = parseInt(this.canvas.width) + 25; = parentWidth + 'px'; = this.canvas.width + 'px'; = 'auto'; = 'scroll-wrapper';
this.canvas.parentNode.replaceChild(parentDiv, this.canvas);
jQuery(canvasContainer).dragscrollable({dragSelector: 'canvas:first', acceptPropagatedEvent: false});
var totalNts = this.scale.max - this.scale.min;
var scrollStartMax = this.scrollValues[1] || this.scale.max - totalNts * .35;
if( this.scrollValues[0] != undefined)
scrollStartMin = this.scrollValues[0];
scrollStartMin = this.scale.max + totalNts * .35;
var viewNts = scrollStartMax - scrollStartMin;
var viewNtsPerPixel = viewNts / document.getElementById('scroll-wrapper').style.width.split('px')[0];
var canvasWidth = (totalNts / viewNtsPerPixel) || 100;
this.canvas.width = canvasWidth;
this.width = canvasWidth - 30;
schart = this;
var zoomValue = (scrollStartMax - scrollStartMin) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min) * 100 || 1;
orientation: 'vertical',
range: 'min',
min: 6,
max: 100,
value: zoomValue,
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var totalNts = schart.scale.max - schart.scale.min;
var width = ui['value'] / 100 * totalNts;
var widthPixels = ui['value'] / 100 * schart.canvas.width;
var canvasContainer = document.getElementById('scroll-wrapper');
var center = canvasContainer.scrollLeft + parseInt('px')[0]) / 2;
var minPixel = center - widthPixels/2;
var maxPixel = center + widthPixels/2;
var min = schart.scale.min + (minPixel / schart.canvas.width) * totalNts;
var max = schart.scale.min + (maxPixel / schart.canvas.width) * totalNts;
schart.scrollValues = [min, max];
schart.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, schart.canvas.width, schart.canvas.height);
var startingPixel = (scrollStartMin - this.scale.min) / totalNts * this.canvas.width;
document.getElementById('scroll-wrapper').scrollLeft = startingPixel;
this.scrolled = true;
intelligently determines a major tick interval based on size of the chart/view and size of the numbers on the scale
determineMajorTick: function() {
this.ctx.font = this.scale.font.size + 'px arial';
var numtimes = this.width/(this.ctx.measureText(this.getTickTextDecimalPlaces(this.scale.max)).width + this.scale.font.buffer);
var irregularTick = (this.scale.max - this.scale.min) / numtimes;
var baseNum = Math.pow(10, parseInt(irregularTick).toString().length -1);
this.tick.major.size = Math.ceil(irregularTick / baseNum) * baseNum;
var digits = (this.tick.major.size + '').length;
var places = Math.pow(10, digits);
var first_digit = this.tick.major.size / places;
if (first_digit > .1 && first_digit <= .5)
first_digit = .5;
else if (first_digit > .5)
first_digit = 1;
return (first_digit * places);
abbreviates tick text numbers using 'k', or 'm' (e.g. 10000 becomes 10k)
getTickText: function(tickNumber) {
if ( ! )
return tickNumber;
var tickText = tickNumber;
if (tickNumber >= 1000000 ) {
var decPlaces = 5;
var base = Math.pow(10, decPlaces)
tickText = Math.round(tickText / 1000000 * base) / base + 'm';
} else if ( tickNumber >= 1000 ) {
var decPlaces = 2;
var base = Math.pow(10, decPlaces)
tickText = Math.round(tickText / 1000 * base) / base + 'k';
return tickText;
determines the tick text with decimal places
getTickTextDecimalPlaces: function(tickNumber){
if ( ! )
return tickNumber;
var tickText = tickNumber;
if (tickNumber >= 1000000 ) {
var decPlaces = 5;
tickText = Math.round( tickText / (1000000 / Math.pow(10,decPlaces)) ) + 'm';
} else if ( tickNumber >= 1000 ){
var decPlaces = 2;
tickText = Math.round( tickText / (1000 / Math.pow(10,decPlaces)) ) + 'k';
return tickText;
handles mouse events
handleMouseEvent: function(e, type) {
var positionY = this.myMouseEventHandler.mouseY;
var lane;
for( var i=0; i < this.tracks.length; i++) {
for( var k=0; k < this.tracks[i].lanes.length; k++) {
var yt = this.tracks[i].lanes[k].getPixelPositionY();
var yb = yt + this.tracks[i].lanes[k].getHeight();
if (positionY >= yt && positionY <= yb ) {
lane = this.tracks[i].lanes[k];
if (!lane) return;
var drawStyle = lane.track.getDrawStyle();
if (drawStyle == 'collapse') {
} else if (drawStyle == 'line') {
} else {;
this.ctx.translate(0, lane.getPixelPositionY());
var ltt;
while (ltt = this.lastToolTips.pop() ) {
this.ctx.putImageData(ltt.pixels, ltt.x, ltt.y )
var chart = this;
if (type == 'click') {
var clicksFns =;
for (var i = 0; i < clicksFns.length; i++)
} else {
var mouseoverFns =;
for (var i = 0; i < mouseoverFns.length; i++)
add's function that will execute each time a feature is clicked
addClickEventListener: function(func) {;
add's function that will execute each time a feature is mouseovered
addMouseoverEventListener: function(func) {;
remove event listerners
removeEventListeners: function(eventType){
if (eventType == 'mouseover')
this.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseHandler);
else if (eventType == 'click')
this.canvas.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
adds event listerners
registerEventListeners: function() {
var chart = this;
if ( > 0) {
this.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', chart.mouseHandler);
this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', chart.mouseHandler, false);
if ( > 0 ) {
this.canvas.removeEventListener('click', chart.clickHandler);
this.canvas.addEventListener('click', chart.clickHandler, false);
} = true;
| Scribl.track.js |
Tracks are used to segregrate different sequence data
Chase Miller 2011
var Track = Class.extend({
This is called with new Track() , but to create new Tracks associated with a chart use Scribl.addTrack()
init: function(chart) {
var track = this;
this.chart = chart
this.lanes = [];
this.ctx = chart.ctx;
this.uid = _uniqueId('track');
this.drawStyle = undefined;
this.hide = false;
this.hooks = {};
for (var i=0; i<chart.trackHooks.length; i++) {
this.addDrawHook( chart.trackHooks[i] );
this.coverageData = [];
this.maxDepth = 0;
creates a new Lane associated with this Track
addLane: function() {
var lane = new Lane(this.ctx, this);
return lane;
syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the gene type to this Track
param: Int position - start position of the gene param: Int length - length of the gene param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to gene return: Object gene - a feature with the 'gene' type api: public
addGene: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("gene", position, length, strand, opts) ) );
syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the protein type to this Track
param: Int position - start position of the protein param: Int length - length of the protein param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to protein return: Object protein - a feature with the 'protein' type api: public
addProtein: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("protein", position, length, strand, opts) ) );
addFeature to this Track and let Scribl manage lane placement to avoid overlaps
track.addFeature( new Rect('complex',3500, 2000) );
param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..) return: Object feature - new feature api: public
addFeature: function( feature ) {
var curr_lane;
var new_lane = true;
for (var j=0; j < this.lanes.length; j++) {
var prev_feature = this.lanes[j].features[ this.lanes[j].features.length - 1 ];
var spacer = 3/this.chart.pixelsToNts() || 3;
if ( prev_feature != undefined && (feature.position - spacer) > (prev_feature.position + prev_feature.length) ) {
new_lane = false;
curr_lane = this.lanes[j];
if (new_lane)
curr_lane = this.addLane();
curr_lane.addFeature( feature );
return feature;
hides the track so it doesn't get drawn
hide: function() {
this.hide = true;
unhides the track so it is drawn
unhide: function() {
this.hide = false;
returns the draw style associated with this track
getDrawStyle: function() {
if (this.drawStyle)
return this.drawStyle
return this.chart.drawStyle;
returns the height of this track in pixels
return: Int height api: public
getHeight: function() {
var wholeHeight = 0;
var numLanes = this.lanes.length;
var laneBuffer = this.chart.laneBuffer;
var drawStyle = this.getDrawStyle();
if (drawStyle == 'line' || drawStyle == 'collapse')
numLanes = 1;
for (var i=0; i < numLanes; i++) {
wholeHeight += laneBuffer;
wholeHeight += this.lanes[i].getHeight();
wholeHeight -= laneBuffer;
return wholeHeight;
gets the number of pixels from the top of the chart to the top of this track
getPixelPositionY: function() {
var track = this;
var y;
if (!
y = track.chart.getScaleHeight() + track.chart.laneBuffer;
y = 0;
for( var i=0; i < track.chart.tracks.length; i++ ) {
if (track.uid == track.chart.tracks[i].uid) break;
y += track.chart.trackBuffer;
y += track.chart.tracks[i].getHeight();
return y;
calculates the coverage (the number of features) at each pixel
calcCoverageData: function() {
var lanes = this.lanes
var min = this.chart.scale.min;
var max = this.chart.scale.max;
for (var i=0; i<lanes.length; i++) {
for (var k=0; k<lanes[i].features.length; k++) {
var feature = lanes[i].features[k];
var pos = feature.position;
var end = feature.getEnd();
if ( (pos >= min && pos <= max) || (end >= min && end <= max) ) {
var from = Math.round( feature.getPixelPositionX() );
var to = Math.round( from + feature.getPixelLength() );
for (var j=from; j <= to; j++) {
this.coverageData[j] = this.coverageData[j] + 1 || 1;
this.maxDepth = Math.max(this.coverageData[j], this.maxDepth);
erases this track
erase: function() {
var track = this;
track.chart.ctx.clearRect(0, track.getPixelPositionY(), track.chart.width, track.getHeight());
draws Track
draw: function() {
var track = this;
var dontDraw = false;
for (var i in track.hooks) {
dontDraw = track.hooks[i](track) || dontDraw;
if ( track.status == 'waiting' ) {
track.drawOnResponse = true;
var style = track.getDrawStyle();
var laneSize = track.chart.laneSizes;
var lanes = track.lanes;
var laneBuffer = track.chart.laneBuffer;
var trackBuffer = track.chart.trackBuffer;
var y = laneSize + trackBuffer;
var ctx = track.chart.ctx;
if (!dontDraw) {
if ( style == undefined || style == 'expand' ) {
for (var i=0; i<lanes.length; i++) {
lanes[i].y = y;
if(lanes[i].draw()) {
var height = lanes[i].getHeight();
ctx.translate(0, height + laneBuffer);
y = y + height + laneBuffer;
} else if ( style == 'collapse' ) {
var features = []
for (var i=0; i<lanes.length; i++) {
features = features.concat(lanes[i].features);
features.sort( function(a,b){ return(a.position - b.position); } );
for (var j=0; j<features.length; j++) {
var originalLength = features[j].length;
var originalName = features[j].name;
var m = undefined;
features[j].length = originalLength;
features[j].name = originalName;
if (lanes.length > 0)
ctx.translate(0, lanes[0].getHeight() + laneBuffer);
} else if ( style == 'line' ) {
track.coverageData = [];
if (track.coverageData.length == 0) track.calcCoverageData();
var normalizationFactor = this.maxDepth;
for (var k=this.chart.offset; k <= this.chart.width + this.chart.offset; k++) {
var normalizedPt = track.coverageData[k] / normalizationFactor * laneSize || 0;
normalizedPt = laneSize - normalizedPt;
ctx.lineTo(k, normalizedPt);
ctx.lineTo(this.chart.width + this.chart.offset, laneSize)
ctx.translate(0, lanes[0].getHeight() + laneBuffer);
add function that executes before the track is drawn
param: Function function - takes track as param, returns true to stop the normal draw, false to allow return: Int id - returns the uniqe id for the hook which is used to remove it api: public
addDrawHook: function(fn, hookId) {
var uid = hookId || _uniqueId('drawHook');
this.hooks[uid] = fn;
return uid;
removes function that executes before the track is drawn
removeDrawHook: function(uid) {
delete this.hooks[uid];
| Scribl.lane.js |
A lane is used to draw features on a single y position
Chase Miller 2011
var Lane = Class.extend({
This is called with new Lane() , but to create new Lanes associated with a chart use track.addLane()
init: function(ctx, track) {
this.height = undefined;
this.features = [];
this.ctx = ctx;
this.track = track;
this.chart = track.chart;
this.uid = _uniqueId('lane');
syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the gene type to this Lane
param: Int position - start position of the gene param: Int length - length of the gene param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to gene return: Object gene - a feature with the 'gene' type api: public
addGene: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("gene", position, length, strand, opts) ) );
syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the protein type to this Lane
param: Int position - start position of the protein param: Int length - length of the protein param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to protein return: Object protein - a feature with the 'protein' type api: public
addProtein: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("protein", position, length, strand, opts) ) );
addFeature to this Lane, allowing potential overlaps
lane.addFeature( new Rect('complex',3500, 2000) );
param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..) return: Object feature - new feature api: public
addFeature: function( feature ) {
feature.lane = this;
if (! this.chart[feature.type] ){
this.chart[feature.type] = {'text': {}}
if ( feature.length + feature.position > this.chart.scale.max || !this.chart.scale.max )
this.chart.scale.max = feature.length + feature.position;
if ( feature.position < this.chart.scale.min || !this.chart.scale.min )
this.chart.scale.min = feature.position;
return feature;
adds the features to this Lane
param: Array features - array of features, which can be any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..) api: public
loadFeatures: function(features) {
var featureNum = features.length;
for(var i=0; i<featureNum; i++)
returns the height of this lane in pixels
return: Int height api: public
getHeight: function() {
if ( this.height != undefined )
return this.height;
return this.chart.laneSizes;
gets the number of pixels from the top of the chart to the top of this lane
getPixelPositionY: function() {
var lane = this;
var y = lane.track.getPixelPositionY();
var laneHeight = lane.getHeight();
for( var i=0; i < lane.track.lanes.length; i++ ) {
if (lane.uid == lane.track.lanes[i].uid) break;
y += lane.track.chart.laneBuffer;
y += laneHeight;
return y;
erases this lane
erase: function() {
var lane = this;
lane.chart.ctx.clearRect(0, lane.getPixelPositionY(), lane.track.chart.canvas.width, lane.getHeight());
draws lane
draw: function() {
var min = this.track.chart.scale.min;
var max = this.track.chart.scale.max;
var hasGlyphs = false;
for (var i=0; i< this.features.length; i++) {
var pos = this.features[i].position;
var end = this.features[i].getEnd();
if ( pos >= min && pos <= max || end >= min && end <= max) {
hasGlyphs = true;
return hasGlyphs;
| Scribl.glyph.js |
Generic glyph class that should not be used directly.
All feature classes (e.g. Rect, arrow, etc..) inherit
from this class
Chase Miller 2011
var Glyph = Class.extend({
Constructor, call this with new Glyph()
This method must be called in all feature subclasses like so this._super(type, pos, length, strand, opts)
param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with param: Int position - start position of the glyph param: Int length - length of the glyph param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph api: internal
init: function(type, pos, length, strand, opts) {
var glyph = this;
this.uid = _uniqueId('feature');
glyph.position = pos;
glyph.length = length;
glyph.strand = strand;
this.type = type;
glyph.opts = {}; = "";
glyph.borderColor = "none";
glyph.borderWidth = undefined;
glyph.ntLevel = 4;
glyph.tooltips = [];
glyph.hooks = {};
glyph.addDrawHook(function(theGlyph) {
if (theGlyph.ntLevel != undefined && theGlyph.seq && theGlyph.lane.chart.ntsToPixels() < theGlyph.ntLevel){
var s = new Seq(theGlyph.type, theGlyph.position, theGlyph.length, theGlyph.seq, theGlyph.opts);
s.lane = theGlyph.lane;
s.ctx = theGlyph.ctx;
return true;
return false;
}, "ntHook");
glyph.text = {};
glyph.text.font = undefined;
glyph.text.size = undefined;
glyph.text.color = undefined;
glyph.text.align = undefined;
glyph.onClick = undefined;
glyph.onMouseover = undefined;
for (var attribute in opts) {
glyph[attribute] = opts[attribute];
glyph.opts[attribute] = opts[attribute];
creates a gradient given a list of colors
setColorGradient: function() {
if(arguments.length == 1){
this.color = arguments[0];
var lineargradient = this.lane.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
var color;
for(var i=0; color=arguments[i], i < arguments.length; i++){
lineargradient.addColorStop(i / (arguments.length-1), color);
this.color = lineargradient;
gets the length of the glyph/feature in pixels
getPixelLength: function() {
var glyph = this;
return ( glyph.lane.chart.pixelsToNts(glyph.length) || 1 );
gets the number of pixels from the left of the chart to the left of this glyph/feature
getPixelPositionX: function() {
var glyph = this;
var offset = parseInt(glyph.lane.track.chart.offset) || 0;
if (glyph.parent)
var position = glyph.position + glyph.parent.position - glyph.lane.track.chart.scale.min;
var position = glyph.position - glyph.lane.track.chart.scale.min;
return ( glyph.lane.track.chart.pixelsToNts( position ) + offset);
gets the number of pixels from the top of the chart to the top of this glyph/feature
getPixelPositionY : function() {
var glyph = this;
return (glyph.lane.getPixelPositionY());
gets the nucleotide/amino acid end point of this glyph/feature
getEnd: function() {
return (this.position + this.length);
shallow copy
clone: function(glyphType) {
var glyph = this;
var newFeature;
glyphType = glyphType || glyph.glyphType;
if (glyphType == "Rect" || glyphType == "Line")
glyph.strand = undefined
var str = 'new ' + glyphType + '("' + glyph.type + '",' + glyph.position + ',' + glyph.length + ',"' + glyph.strand + '",' + JSON.stringify(glyph.opts) + ')';
newFeature = eval( str );
var attrs = Object.keys(glyph);
for ( var i=0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
newFeature[attrs[i]] = glyph[attrs[i]];
} else {
var str = 'new ' + glyphType + '("' + glyph.type + '",' + glyph.position + ',' + glyph.length + ',' + JSON.stringify(glyph.opts) + ')';
newFeature = eval(str);
var attrs = Object.keys(glyph);
for ( var i=0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
newFeature[attrs[i]] = glyph[attrs[i]];
newFeature.tooltips = glyph.tooltips;
newFeature.hooks = glyph.hooks;
return( newFeature );
determine and retrieve the appropriate value for each attribute, checks parent, default, type, and glyph levels in the appropriate order
param: * attribute return: * attribute api: public
getAttr : function(attr) {
var glyph = this;
var attrs = attr.split('-');
var glyphLevel = glyph;
for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { glyphLevel = glyphLevel[attrs[k]]; }
if (glyphLevel) return glyphLevel
if (glyph.parent) {
var parentLevel = glyph.parent;
for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { parentLevel = parentLevel[attrs[k]]; }
if (parentLevel) return parentLevel;
var typeLevel = this.lane.chart[glyph.type];
if (typeLevel) {
for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { typeLevel = typeLevel[attrs[k]]; }
if (typeLevel) return typeLevel;
var chartLevel = glyph.lane.chart.glyph;
for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { chartLevel = chartLevel[attrs[k]]; }
if (chartLevel) return chartLevel;
return undefined;
draws the text for a glyph/feature
param: String text api: internal
drawText : function(text) {
var glyph = this;
var ctx = glyph.lane.chart.ctx;
var padding = 5;
var length = glyph.getPixelLength();
var height = glyph.getHeight();
var fontSize = glyph.getAttr('text-size');
var fontSizeMin = 8;
var fontStyle = glyph.getAttr('text-style');
ctx.font = fontSize + "px " + fontStyle;
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillStyle = glyph.getAttr('text-color');
var placement = undefined
var align = glyph.getAttr('text-align');
if ( align == "start")
if ( glyph.strand == '+' )
align = 'left';
align = 'right';
else if ( align == "end" )
if ( glyph.strand == '+' )
align = 'right';
align = 'left';
ctx.textAlign = align;
if (align == 'left')
placement = 0 + padding;
else if ( align == 'center' )
placement = length/2;
else if ( align == "right" )
placement = length - padding;
var dim = ctx.measureText(text);
if (text && text != "") {
while ( (length-dim.width) < 4 ) {
fontSize = /^\d+/.exec(ctx.font);
dim = ctx.measureText(text);
ctx.font = fontSize + "px " + fontStyle;
if (fontSize <= fontSizeMin) {
text = "";
if (glyph.glyphType == "Complex") {
var offset = 0;
var fontsize = /^\d+/.exec(ctx.font);
if (align == "center")
offset = -(ctx.measureText(text)./2 + padding/2);
ctx.clearRect(placement + offset, /2 - fontsize/2, ctx.measureText(text).width + padding, fontsize);
ctx.fillText(text, placement, height/2);
determines a roundness value based on the height of the glyph feature, so roundness looks consistent as lane size changes
return: Int roundness api: internal
calcRoundness : function() {
var roundness = this.getHeight() * this.getAttr('roundness')/100;
roundness = ((roundness*10 % 5) >= 2.5 ? parseInt(roundness*10 / 5) * 5 + 5 : parseInt(roundness*10 / 5) * 5) / 10;
return (roundness);
determines if this glyph/feature is contained within a box with the given coordinates
param: Int selectionTlX - top left X coordinate of bounding box param: Int selectionTlY - top left Y coordinate of bounding box param: Int selectionBrX - bottom right X coordinate of bounding box param: Int selectionBrY - bottom right Y coordinate of bounding box return: Boolean isContained api: public
isContainedWithinRect : function(selectionTlX, selectionTlY, selectionBrX, selectionBrY) {
var glyph = this;
var y = glyph.getPixelPositionY();
var tlX = glyph.getPixelPositionX();
var tlY = y
var brX = glyph.getPixelPositionX() + glyph.getPixelLength();
var brY = y + glyph.getHeight();
return tlX >= selectionTlX
&& brX <= selectionBrX
&& tlY >= selectionTlY
&& brY <= selectionBrY;
returns the height of this glyph/feature in pixels
return: Int height api: public
getHeight : function() {
var glyph = this;
return ( glyph.lane.getHeight() );
converts glyph.color into the format taken by canvas.context.fillStyle
getFillStyle : function() {
var glyph = this;
var color = glyph.getAttr('color');
if (color instanceof Array) {
var lineargradient = this.lane.track.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
var currColor;
for(var i=0; currColor=color[i], i < color.length; i++)
lineargradient.addColorStop(i / (color.length-1), currColor);
return lineargradient
} else if ( color instanceof Function) {
var lineargradient = this.lane.track.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
return color(lineargradient);
} else
return color;
converts glyph.borderColor into the format taken by canvas.context.fillStyle
getStrokeStyle : function() {
var glyph = this;
var color = glyph.getAttr('borderColor');
if (typeof(color) == "object") {
var lineargradient = this.lane.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
var currColor;
for(var i=0; currColor=color[i], i < color.length; i++)
lineargradient.addColorStop(i / (color.length-1), currColor);
return lineargradient
} else
return color;
checks if glyph/feature has a parent
isSubFeature: function() {
return (this.parent != undefined);
erase this glyph/feature
erase: function() {
var glyph = this;;
glyph.ctx.clearRect(glyph.getPixelPositionX(), glyph.getPixelPositionY(), glyph.getPixelLength(), glyph.getHeight());
add function to glyph that executes before the glyph is drawn
param: Function function - takes glyph as param, returns true to stop the normal draw, false to allow return: Int id - returns the uniqe id for the hook which is used to remove it api: public
addDrawHook: function(fn, hookId) {
var uid = hookId || _uniqueId('drawHook');
this.hooks[uid] = fn;
return uid;
removes function to glyph that executes before the glyph is drawn
removeDrawHook: function(uid) {
delete this.hooks[uid];
add tooltip to glyph. Can add multiple tooltips
param: Int placement - two options 'above' glyph or 'below' glyph param: Int verticalOffset - + numbers for up, - for down param: Hash options - optional attributes, horizontalOffset and ntOffset (nucleotide) return: Object tooltip api: public
addTooltip: function(text, placement, verticalOffset, opts){
var glyph = this;
var tt = new Tooltip(text, placement, verticalOffset, opts);
tt.feature = glyph;
glyph.tooltips.push( tt );
draws the tooltips associated with this feature
fireTooltips: function() {
for (var i=0; i < this.tooltips.length; i++)
draws the glyph
draw: function() {
var glyph = this;
glyph.ctx = glyph.lane.chart.ctx;
var fontSize = /^\d+/.exec(glyph.ctx.font);
var font = /\S+$/.exec(glyph.ctx.font);
var fontSizeMin = 10;
glyph.onClick = glyph.getAttr('onClick');
glyph.onMouseover = glyph.getAttr('onMouseover');
glyph.ctx.fillStyle = glyph.getFillStyle();
var fillStyle = glyph.ctx.fillStyle;
var position = glyph.getPixelPositionX();
var height = glyph.getHeight();
(height < fontSizeMin) ? glyph.ctx.font = fontSizeMin + "px " + font : glyph.ctx.font = height *.9 + "px " + font;
glyph.ctx.translate(position, 0);
if (glyph.strand == '-' && !glyph.isSubFeature())
glyph.ctx.transform(-1, 0, 0, 1, glyph.getPixelLength(), 0);
var dontDraw = false;
for (var i in glyph.hooks) {
dontDraw = glyph.hooks[i](glyph) || dontDraw;
if (!dontDraw) {
if (glyph.borderColor != "none") {
if(glyph.color == 'none' && glyph.parent.glyphType == 'Complex') {
var saveStrokeStyle = glyph.ctx.strokeStyle;
var saveLineWidth = glyph.ctx.lineWidth;
glyph.ctx.strokeStyle = glyph.getStrokeStyle();
glyph.ctx.lineWidth = glyph.getAttr('borderWidth');
glyph.ctx.strokeStyle = saveStrokeStyle;
glyph.ctx.lineWidth = saveLineWidth;
if (glyph.color !="none") glyph.ctx.fill();
if (glyph.strand == '-' && !glyph.isSubFeature())
glyph.ctx.transform(-1, 0, 0, 1, glyph.getPixelLength(), 0);
glyph.ctx.translate(-position, 0);
glyph.ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
erases this specific glyph and redraws it
redraw: function() {
var glyph = this;;
var y = glyph.getPixelPositionY();
glyph.lane.ctx.translate(0, y);
| |
Adds event support to Scribl
Chase Miller 2011
var MouseEventHandler = Class.extend({
Constructor, call this with new MouseEventHandler()
init: function(chart) {
this.chart = chart;
this.mouseX = null;
this.mouseY = null;
this.eventElement = undefined;
this.isEventDetected = false;
this.tooltip = new Tooltip("", 'above', -4);
registers event listeners if feature (or parent if part of complex feature) has mouse events associated with it
addEvents: function(feature) {
var chart = this.chart;
var ctx = chart.ctx;
var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
if (feature.onMouseover && ! ) {
chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
else if (feature.tooltips.length>0 && !{
chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
else if (feature.parent && feature.parent.tooltips.length>0 && !{
chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
else if (feature.parent && feature.parent.onMouseover && ! {
chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
if (feature.onClick && ! {
chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseStyle); = true;
} else if (feature.parent && feature.parent.onClick && ! {
chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseStyle); = true;
if (!me.isEventDetected && ctx.isPointInPath_mozilla(me.mouseX,me.mouseY)) {
me.eventElement = feature;
me.isEventDetected = true;
sets the mouse position relative to the canvas
param: Object e - event api: internal
setMousePosition: function(e) {
if (e!=null) {
var rect = this.chart.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
this.mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left;
this.mouseY = e.clientY -;
gets called when there is a click and determines how to handle it
handleClick: function(chart) {
var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
var clicked = me.eventElement;
var onClick;
if (clicked != undefined && clicked.onClick != undefined)
onClick = clicked.onClick
else if (clicked && clicked.parent && clicked.parent.onClick)
onClick = clicked.parent.onClick
if (typeof(onClick) == "string"){; }
else if (typeof(onClick) == "function"){ onClick(clicked); }
gets called when there is a mouseover and fires tooltip if necessary
handleMouseover: function(chart) {
var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
var clicked = me.eventElement;
if (clicked && clicked.onMouseover == undefined && clicked.parent && clicked.parent.onMouseover) {
clicked.onMouseover = clicked.parent.onMouseover
if(clicked && clicked.onMouseover) {
if (typeof(clicked.onMouseover) == "string"){; }
else if (typeof(clicked.onMouseover) == "function"){ clicked.onMouseover(clicked); }
if (clicked && clicked.tooltips.length > 0)
changes cursor to pointer if the feature the mouse is over can be clicked
handleMouseStyle: function(chart) {
var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
var obj = me.eventElement;
var ctx = chart.ctx;
if (obj && obj.onClick != undefined) = 'pointer';
else if (obj && obj.parent && obj.parent.onClick != undefined) = 'pointer';
else = 'auto';
resets the state of the mouseEventHandler
reset: function(chart) {
var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
me.mouseX = null;
me.mouseY = null;
me.eventElement = undefined;
me.isEventDetected = null;
me.elementIndexCounter = 0;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath_mozilla = function( x, y )
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') != -1){;
this.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
var ret = this.isPointInPath( x, y );
} else
var ret = this.isPointInPath( x, y );
return ret;
| Scribl.tooltips.js |
Adds event support to Scribl
Chase Miller 2011
var Tooltip = Class.extend({
Constructor, call this with new tooltips()
init: function(text, placement, verticalOffset, opts) {
var tt = this;
tt.text = text;
tt.placement = placement || 'above';
tt.verticalOffset = verticalOffset || 0;
for (var attribute in opts)
tt[attribute] = opts[attribute];
tt.horizontalOffset = tt.horizontalOffset || 0;
tt.ntOffset = tt.ntOffset || 0;
fires the tooltip
fire: function(ft) {
var feature = ft || this.feature;
this.chart = feature.lane.track.chart;
this.ctx = this.chart.ctx;
this.draw(feature, 1);
draws tooltip
draw: function(feature, opacity) {
this.ctx.globalAlpha = opacity;
var roundness = this.chart.tooltips.roundness;
var font = this.chart.tooltips.text.font;
var fontSize = this.chart.tooltips.text.size;
var text = this.text || feature.onMouseover;;
this.ctx.font = fontSize + "px " + font;
var dim = this.ctx.measureText(text);
var textlines = [text];
var height = fontSize + 10;
var length = dim.width + 10;
var vertical_offset = height - 4;
var fillStyle;
var strokeStyle;
var ntOffsetPx = 0;
if(feature.seq) {
var lengthPx = feature.getPixelLength();
ntOffsetPx = this.ntOffset * (lengthPx / feature.length);
var x = feature.getPixelPositionX() + this.horizontalOffset + ntOffsetPx;
var y;
if (this.placement == 'below')
y = feature.getPixelPositionY() + feature.getHeight() - this.verticalOffset;
y = feature.getPixelPositionY() - height - this.verticalOffset;
var geneLength = feature.getPixelLength();
var mincols = 200;
if (length > mincols) {
var charpixel = this.ctx.measureText("s").width;
var max = parseInt(mincols / charpixel);
var formattedText = ScriblWrapLines(max, text);
length = mincols + 10;
height = formattedText[1]*fontSize + 10;
textlines = formattedText[0];
if (length + x > this.chart.width)
x = this.chart.width - length;
if ( == "light" ) {
fillStyle = this.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(x + /2, y, x + length/2, y + height);
fillStyle.addColorStop(0,'rgb(253, 248, 196)');
fillStyle.addColorStop(.75,'rgb(253, 248, 196)');
strokeStyle = this.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(x + /2, y, x + length/2, y + height);
strokeStyle.addColorStop(1,'rgb(64, 64, 64)');
this.chart.tooltips.text.color = "black";
} else if ( == "dark" ) {
fillStyle = this.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(x + /2, y, x + length/2, y + height);
fillStyle.addColorStop(0,'rgb(64, 64, 64)');
fillStyle.addColorStop(1,'rgb(121, 121, 121)');
strokeStyle = "white";
this.chart.tooltips.text.color = "white";
this.chart.lastToolTips.push( {
'pixels' : this.ctx.getImageData(x-1, y-1, length+2, height+2),
'x' : x-1,
'y' : y-1
this.ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
tlc_ctrl_x = x;
tlc_ctrl_y = y;
tlc_lgth_x = x + roundness;
tlc_lgth_y = y;
tlc_wdth_x = x;
tlc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
blc_ctrl_x = x;
blc_ctrl_y = y + height;
blc_lgth_x = x + roundness;
blc_lgth_y = y + height;
blc_wdth_x = x;
blc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
brc_ctrl_x = x + length;
brc_ctrl_y = y + height;
brc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness;
brc_lgth_y = y + height;
brc_wdth_x = x + length;
brc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
trc_ctrl_x = x + length;
trc_ctrl_y = y;
trc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness;
trc_lgth_y = y;
trc_wdth_x = x + length;
trc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
this.ctx.moveTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(tlc_ctrl_x, tlc_ctrl_y, tlc_wdth_x, tlc_wdth_y);
this.ctx.lineTo(blc_wdth_x, blc_wdth_y);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(blc_ctrl_x, blc_ctrl_y, blc_lgth_x, blc_lgth_y);
this.ctx.lineTo(brc_lgth_x, brc_lgth_y);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(brc_ctrl_x, brc_ctrl_y, brc_wdth_x, brc_wdth_y);
this.ctx.lineTo(trc_wdth_x, trc_wdth_y);
this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(trc_ctrl_x, trc_ctrl_y, trc_lgth_x, trc_lgth_y);
this.ctx.lineTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y);
this.ctx.lineWidth = this.chart.tooltips.borderWidth;
this.ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
this.ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.chart.tooltips.text.color;
for (var i=0; i < textlines.length; i++) {
var dim = this.ctx.measureText(textlines[i]);
this.ctx.fillText(textlines[i], x + 5 , y + fontSize*(i+1));
| Scribl.utils.js |
Chase Miller 2011
transforms text to fit in a column of given width
function ScriblWrapLines(max, text) {
var lines = [];
text = "" + text;
var temp = "";
var chcount = 0;
var linecount = 0;
var words = text.split(" ");
for (var i=0; i < words.length; i++) {
if ((words[i].length + temp.length) <= max)
temp += " " + words[i]
else {
if (temp == "") {
trunc1 = words[i].slice(0, max-1);
temp += " " + trunc1 + "-"
trunc2 = words[i].slice(max, words[i].length);
words.splice(i+1, 0, trunc2);
temp = "";
else {
temp = "";
return ([lines, linecount]);
create unique ids
var idCounter = 0;
_uniqueId = function(prefix) {
var id = idCounter++;
return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
Object.keys=Object.keys||function(o,k,r){r=[];for(k in o),k)&&r.push(k);return r}
add indexOf if not implemented for compatibility
with older browsers
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement
, fromIndex
) {
"use strict";
if (this === void 0 || this === null) {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
if (len === 0) {
return -1;
var n = 0;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
n = Number(arguments[1]);
if (n !== n) {
n = 0;
} else if (n !== 0 && n !== Infinity && n !== -Infinity) {
n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
if (n >= len) {
return -1;
var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
for (; k < len; k++) {
if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {
return k;
return -1;
| Scribl.svg.js |
utility functions for converting canvas to svg
var CanvasToSVG = {
idCounter: 0,
convert: function(sourceCanvas, targetSVG, x, y) {
var svgNS = "http:
var xlinkNS = "http:
var image = sourceCanvas.toDataURL();
var svgimg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
svgimg.setAttribute('id', 'importedCanvas_' + this.idCounter++);
svgimg.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, 'xlink:href', image);
svgimg.setAttribute('x', x ? x : 0);
svgimg.setAttribute('y', y ? y : 0);
svgimg.setAttribute('width', sourceCanvas.width);
svgimg.setAttribute('height', sourceCanvas.height);
svgimg.imageData = sourceCanvas.toDataURL();
var toXml = function(str) {
return $('<p/>').text(str).html();
var svgToString = function(svgcontent) {
while (removeUnusedDefElems() > 0) {};
$.each(svgcontent.childNodes, function(i, node) {
if(i && node.nodeType == 8 &&'Created with') >= 0) {
svgcontent.insertBefore(node, svgcontent.firstChild);
if(current_group) {
var naked_svgs = [];
$(svgcontent).find('g:data(gsvg)').each(function() {
var attrs = this.attributes;
var len = attrs.length;
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
if(attrs[i].nodeName == 'id' || attrs[i].nodeName == 'style') {
if(len <= 0) {
var svg = this.firstChild;
var output = svgToString(svgcontent, 0);
if(naked_svgs.length) {
$(naked_svgs).each(function() {
return output;
var svgToString = function(elem, indent) {
var out = new Array();
if (elem) {
var attrs = elem.attributes,
childs = elem.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<indent; i++) out.push(" ");
out.push("<"); out.push(elem.nodeName);
if( == 'svgcontent') {
var res = getResolution();
out.push(' width="' + res.w + '" height="' + res.h + '" xmlns="'+svgns+'"');
var nsuris = {};
$(elem).find('*').andSelf().each(function() {
var el = this;
$.each(this.attributes, function(i, attr) {
var uri = attr.namespaceURI;
if(uri && !nsuris[uri] && nsMap[uri] !== 'xmlns' && nsMap[uri] !== 'xml' ) {
nsuris[uri] = true;
out.push(" xmlns:" + nsMap[uri] + '="' + uri +'"');
var i = attrs.length;
while (i--) {
attr = attrs.item(i);
var attrVal = toXml(attr.nodeValue);
if(attr.nodeName.indexOf('xmlns:') === 0) continue;
if (attrVal != "" &&
['width','height','xmlns','x','y','viewBox','id','overflow'].indexOf(attr.localName) == -1)
if(!attr.namespaceURI || nsMap[attr.namespaceURI]) {
out.push(' ');
out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push("=\"");
out.push(attrVal); out.push("\"");
} else {
for (var i=attrs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
attr = attrs.item(i);
var attrVal = toXml(attr.nodeValue);
if (['-moz-math-font-style', '_moz-math-font-style'].indexOf(attr.localName) >= 0) continue;
if (attrVal != "") {
if(attrVal.indexOf('pointer-events') === 0) continue;
if(attr.localName === "class" && attrVal.indexOf('se_') === 0) continue;
out.push(" ");
if(attr.localName === 'd') attrVal = pathActions.convertPath(elem, true);
out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push("=\"");
out.push(attrVal); out.push("\"");
if (elem.hasChildNodes()) {
var bOneLine = false;
for (var i=0; i<childs.length; i++)
var child = childs.item(i);
switch(child.nodeType) {
case 1:
out.push(svgToString(childs.item(i), indent));
case 3:
var str = child.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (str != "") {
bOneLine = true;
out.push(toXml(str) + "");
case 8:
out.push(new Array(indent+1).join(" "));
if (!bOneLine) {
for (var i=0; i<indent; i++) out.push(" ");
out.push("</"); out.push(elem.nodeName); out.push(">");
} else {
return out.join('');
| glyph/Scribl.arrow.js |
Glyph used to draw any arrow shape
Chase Miller 2011
var Arrow = Glyph.extend({
Constructor, call this with new Arrow()
param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with param: Int position - start position of the glyph param: Int length - length of the glyph param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph api: public
init: function(type, position, strand, opts) {
this._super(type, position, 0, strand, opts);
this.slope = 1;
this.glyphType = "Arrow";
this.thickness = 4.6
gets pixel thickness
getPixelThickness: function() {
var arrow = this;
var height = arrow.getHeight();
var arrowLength = /2 / Math.tan(Math.atan(arrow.slope))
return ( arrow.thickness / 10 * arrowLength );
erase this glyph/feature
erase: function() {
var arrow = this;
var thickness = arrow.getPixelThickness();
arrow.ctx.clearRect( -thickness,0, thickness, arrow.getHeight() );
private arrow specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_
- para: m
[context] - optional canvas.context
- para: m
[length] - optional length of glyph/feature
- para: m
[height] - optional height of lane
- para: m
[roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
api: internal
_draw : function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {
var arrow = this;
var ctx = ctx || arrow.ctx;
var height = height || arrow.getHeight();
var roundness = roundness + 1 || arrow.calcRoundness();
if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1;
var thickness = arrow.getPixelThickness();
var arrowLength = 0;
x = y = 0;
a_b_x = x - arrowLength - roundness;
a_t_x = x - arrowLength - roundness;
a_max_x = x - arrowLength;
t = .5
a_ctrl_x = ( a_max_x - (1-t)*(1-t)*a_b_x - t*t*a_t_x ) / ( 2*(1-t)*t )
a_ctrl_y = y + height/2;
bs_slope = arrow.slope;
bs_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - bs_slope * a_ctrl_x;
ts_slope = -arrow.slope;
ts_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - ts_slope * a_ctrl_x;
a_b_y = -(bs_slope * a_b_x + bs_intercept);
a_t_y = -(ts_slope * a_t_x + ts_intercept);
bs_ctrl_y = y + height;
bs_ctrl_x = ( (-bs_ctrl_y - bs_intercept)/arrow.slope ); // control point
bs_slpe_x = bs_ctrl_x + roundness + roundness;
bs_slpe_y = -(bs_slope * bs_slpe_x + bs_intercept);
ctx.moveTo(bs_slpe_x, bs_slpe_y);
ctx.lineTo( a_b_x, a_b_y );
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(a_ctrl_x, a_ctrl_y, a_t_x, a_t_y);
ts_ctrl_y = y;
ts_ctrl_x = (ts_ctrl_y + ts_intercept)/arrow.slope ; // control point
ts_slpe_x = ts_ctrl_x + roundness + roundness;
ts_slpe_y = -(ts_slope * ts_slpe_x + ts_intercept);
ctx.lineTo(ts_slpe_x, ts_slpe_y);
var theta = ( Math.PI - Math.abs(Math.atan(arrow.slope)) ) - Math.PI/2;
var dX = Math.sin(theta) * thickness;
var dY = Math.cos(theta) * thickness;
var arcTX = ts_slpe_x - dX;
var arcTY = ts_slpe_y + dY;
ctx.bezierCurveTo(ts_ctrl_x, ts_ctrl_y, ts_ctrl_x-dX, ts_ctrl_y+dY, arcTX, arcTY);
ctx.lineTo(a_max_x-thickness, y + height/2);
var arcBX = bs_slpe_x - dX;
var arcBY = bs_slpe_y - dY;
ctx.lineTo(arcBX, arcBY);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(bs_ctrl_x-dX, bs_ctrl_y-dY, bs_ctrl_x, bs_ctrl_y, bs_slpe_x, bs_slpe_y);
| glyph/Scribl.blockarrow.js |
Glyph used to draw any blockarrow shape
Chase Miller 2011
var BlockArrow = Glyph.extend({
Constructor, call this with new BlockArrow()
param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with param: Int position - start position of the glyph param: Int length - length of the glyph param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph api: public
init: function(type, position, length, strand, opts) {
this._super(type, position, length, strand, opts);
this.slope = 1;
this.glyphType = "BlockArrow";
private blockarrow specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_
- para: m
[context] - optional canvas.context
- para: m
[length] - optional length of glyph/feature
- para: m
[height] - optional height of lane
- para: m
[roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
api: internal
_draw : function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {
var blockarrow = this;
var ctx = ctx || blockarrow.ctx;
var length = length || blockarrow.getPixelLength();
var height = height || blockarrow.getHeight();
var roundness = roundness + 1 || blockarrow.calcRoundness();
if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1;
var side = length*.75;
x = y = 0;
tc_ctrl_x = x;
tc_ctrl_y = y;
tc_lgth_x = x + roundness;
tc_lgth_y = y;
tc_wdth_x = x;
tc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
bc_ctrl_x = x;
bc_ctrl_y = y + height;
bc_lgth_x = x + roundness;
bc_lgth_y = y + height;
bc_wdth_x = x;
bc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
a_b_x = x + length - roundness;
a_t_x = x + length - roundness;
a_max_x = x + length;
t = .5
a_ctrl_x = Math.round( (( a_max_x - (1-t)*(1-t)*a_b_x - t*t*a_t_x ) / ( 2*(1-t)*t ))*10 )/10;
a_ctrl_y = y + height/2;
bs_slope = blockarrow.slope;
bs_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - bs_slope * a_ctrl_x;
ts_slope = -blockarrow.slope;
ts_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - ts_slope * a_ctrl_x;
a_b_y = -(Math.round( (bs_slope * a_b_x + bs_intercept)*10 )/10);
a_t_y = -(Math.round( (ts_slope * a_t_x + ts_intercept)*10 )/10);
bs_ctrl_y = y + height;
bs_ctrl_x = ( (-bs_ctrl_y - bs_intercept)/blockarrow.slope ); // control point
if (bs_ctrl_x < x ) {
var r = new Rect(blockarrow.type, 0, length);
r._draw(ctx, length, height, roundness);
bs_lgth_y = y + height;
bs_lgth_x = bs_ctrl_x - roundness;
bs_slpe_x = bs_ctrl_x + roundness;
bs_slpe_y = -(Math.round( (bs_slope * bs_slpe_x + bs_intercept)*10 )/10);
ts_ctrl_y = y;
ts_ctrl_x = (ts_ctrl_y + ts_intercept)/blockarrow.slope ; // control point
ts_lgth_y = y;
ts_lgth_x = ts_ctrl_x - roundness;
ts_slpe_x = ts_ctrl_x + roundness;
ts_slpe_y = -(Math.round( (ts_slope * ts_slpe_x + ts_intercept)*10 )/10);
ctx.moveTo(tc_lgth_x, tc_lgth_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(tc_ctrl_x, tc_ctrl_y, tc_wdth_x, tc_wdth_y);
ctx.lineTo(bc_wdth_x, bc_wdth_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(bc_ctrl_x, bc_ctrl_y, bc_lgth_x, bc_lgth_y);
ctx.lineTo(bs_lgth_x, bs_lgth_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(bs_ctrl_x, bs_ctrl_y, bs_slpe_x, bs_slpe_y);
ctx.lineTo( a_b_x, a_b_y );
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(a_ctrl_x, a_ctrl_y, a_t_x, a_t_y);
ctx.lineTo(ts_slpe_x, ts_slpe_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(ts_ctrl_x, ts_ctrl_y, ts_lgth_x, ts_lgth_y);
ctx.lineTo(tc_lgth_x, tc_lgth_y);
| glyph/Scribl.seq.js |
Glyph used to letters e.g nucleotides or proteins
Chase Miller 2011
var Seq = Glyph.extend({
Constructor, call this with new seq()
param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with param: Int position - start position of the glyph param: Int length - length of the glyph param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph api: public
init: function(type, position, length, seq, opts) {
this.seq = seq;
this.insertions = [];
this.fraction = 1;
this.fractionLevel = 0.3;
this.glyphType = "Seq";
this.font = "px courier";
this.chars = {};
this.chars.width = undefined;
this.chars.height = undefined;
this.chars.list = ['A', 'G', 'T', 'C', 'N', '-'];
this._super(type, position, length, undefined, opts);
private letter specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_
- para: m
[context] - optional canvas.context
- para: m
[length] - optional length of glyph/feature
- para: m
[height] - optional height of lane
api: internal
_draw: function(ctx, length, height) {
var seq = this;
var fraction = 1;
if (seq.lane.chart.ntsToPixels() <= seq.fractionLevel)
fraction = this.fraction
var ctx = ctx || seq.ctx;
var length = length || seq.getPixelLength();
var height = height || seq.getHeight();
var left = seq.getPixelPositionX();
var top = seq.getPixelPositionY();
var chars = SCRIBL.chars;
if ( !chars.heights[height] ) {
chars.heights[height] = [];
for (var i=0; i < this.chars.list.length; i++) {
var nt = this.chars.list[i];
var ntName = nt;
if (nt == '-') { ntName = 'dash'; }
var charName = "nt_" + ntName + '_bg';
this.createChar(nt, chars.nt_color, chars[charName], height);
x = y = 0;
if (seq.imgCanvas) {
ctx.drawImage(seq.imgCanvas, left, top - height*fraction, length, height*fraction);
} else {;
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
var origFont = ctx.font;
var size = /[\d+px]/.exec(origFont) + 'px';
ctx.font = size + " courier";
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
var seqPx = this.seq.length * chars.heights[height].width;
seq.imgCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
seq.imgCanvas.width = seqPx;
seq.imgCanvas.height = height;
var tmpCtx = seq.imgCanvas.getContext('2d');
var pos = 0;
var k = 0;
for (var i=0; i < this.seq.length; i++) {
if (!chars.heights[height][ this.seq[i] ]) {
this.createChar(this.seq[i], 'black', 'white', height);
var charGlyph = this.seq[i];
if (this.insertions.length > 1) {
var h = 2;
if (this.insertions[k] && this.insertions[k]['pos'] != undefined) {
if (this.insertions[k]['pos'] -1 == i ){
charGlyph += 'rightInsert';
} else if (this.insertions[k] && this.insertions[k]['pos'] == i){
charGlyph += 'leftInsert';
tmpCtx.drawImage(chars.heights[height][ charGlyph ],pos,y);
pos += chars.heights[height].width;
ctx.drawImage(seq.imgCanvas, x, height - height*fraction, length, height*fraction);
ctx.font = origFont;
ctx.lineTo(length, y);
ctx.lineTo(length, y + height);
ctx.lineTo(x, y+height);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
if (seq.lane.chart.ntsToPixels() <= seq.fractionLevel)
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
creates glyphs of a given character
param: Char - the char to create glyph of param: String - string of char color in rgb or hex param: String - string of char background color in rgb or hex param: Int - height of glyph api: internal
createChar: function(theChar, color, backgroundColor, height) {
var seq = this;
var chart = seq.lane.track.chart;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var buffer = 2;
var fontsize = height - buffer;
ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
var width = ctx.measureText(theChar).width + buffer;
canvas.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
SCRIBL.chars.heights[height].width = width;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
canvas.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0,0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillText(theChar, /2, height/2);
SCRIBL.chars.heights[height][theChar] = canvas;
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
canvas.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0,0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
ctx.arcTo(width,height, width,0, height/2);
ctx.lineTo(0, height)
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillText(theChar, /2, height/2);
SCRIBL.chars.heights[height][theChar + 'rightInsert'] = canvas;
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
canvas.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0,0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
ctx.arcTo(0,height, 0,0, height/2);
ctx.lineTo(width, height)
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillText(theChar, /2, height/2);
SCRIBL.chars.heights[height][theChar + 'leftInsert'] = canvas;
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
| glyph/Scribl.complex.js |
Complex is used to draw any feature that has splices
(e.g gene with subFeatures and introns, etc) Or
any feature that should be made up of other features
Chase Miller 2011
var Complex = Glyph.extend({
Constructor, call this with new Complex()
param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with param: Int position - start position of the glyph param: Int length - length of the glyph param: Array subFeatures - array of derived Glyph objects (e.g Rect, Arrow, etc...) param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph api: public
init: function(type, position, length, strand, subFeatures, opts) {
this._super(type, position, length, strand, opts);
this.slope = 1;
this.glyphType = "Complex";
this.subFeatures = subFeatures;
this.line = new Line(type, 0, length);
this.line.parent = this;
this.line.color = "black";
this.line.thickness = 2;
adds subFeature to complex glyph/feature
- param: subFeature
- a derived Glyph object (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)
api: public
addSubFeature : function(subFeature) {
private complex specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_
- para: m
[context] - optional canvas.context
- para: m
[length] - optional length of glyph/feature
- para: m
[height] - optional height of lane
- para: m
[roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
api: internal
_draw : function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {
var complex = this;
var ctx = ctx || complex.ctx;
var length = length || complex.getPixelLength();
var height = height || complex.getHeight();
var roundness = roundness + 1 || complex.calcRoundness();
if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1;
x = y = 0;
ctx.translate(-complex.getPixelPositionX(), 0);
complex.line.lane = this.lane;
var numsubFeatures = complex.subFeatures.length
for (var i=0; i< numsubFeatures; i++) {
complex.subFeatures[i].parent = complex;
complex.subFeatures[i].lane = complex.lane;
ctx.translate(complex.getPixelPositionX(), 0);
| glyph/Scribl.line.js |
Glyph used to draw any line shape
Chase Miller 2011
var Line = Glyph.extend({
Constructor, call this with new Line()
param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with param: Int position - start position of the glyph param: Int length - length of the glyph param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph api: public
init: function(type, position, length, opts) {
this.thickness = 2;
this._super(type, position, length, undefined, opts);
this.glyphType = "Line";
private line specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_
- para: m
[context] - optional canvas.context
- para: m
[length] - optional length of glyph/feature
- para: m
[height] - optional height of lane
- para: m
[roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
api: internal
_draw: function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {
var line = this;
var ctx = ctx || line.ctx;
var length = length || line.getPixelLength();
var height = height || line.getHeight();
x = y = 0;
ctx.moveTo(x, /2 - line.thickness/2);
ctx.lineTo(x, /2 + line.thickness/2);
ctx.lineTo(x+length, /2 + line.thickness/2);
ctx.lineTo(x+length, /2 - line.thickness/2);
| glyph/Scribl.rect.js |
Glyph used to draw any rectangle shape
Chase Miller 2011
var Rect = Glyph.extend({
Constructor, call this with new Rect()
param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with param: Int position - start position of the glyph param: Int length - length of the glyph param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph api: public
init: function(type, position, length, opts) {
this._super(type, position, length, undefined, opts);
this.glyphType = "Rect";
private rect specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_
- para: m
[context] - optional canvas.context
- para: m
[length] - optional length of glyph/feature
- para: m
[height] - optional height of lane
- para: m
[roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
api: internal
_draw: function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {
var rect = this;
var ctx = ctx || rect.ctx;
var length = length || rect.getPixelLength();
var height = height || rect.getHeight();
var roundness = roundness + 1 || rect.calcRoundness();
if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1
x = y = 0;
tlc_ctrl_x = x;
tlc_ctrl_y = y;
tlc_lgth_x = x + roundness;
tlc_lgth_y = y;
tlc_wdth_x = x;
tlc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
blc_ctrl_x = x;
blc_ctrl_y = y + height;
blc_lgth_x = x + roundness;
blc_lgth_y = y + height;
blc_wdth_x = x;
blc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
brc_ctrl_x = x + length;
brc_ctrl_y = y + height;
brc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness;
brc_lgth_y = y + height;
brc_wdth_x = x + length;
brc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
trc_ctrl_x = x + length;
trc_ctrl_y = y;
trc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness;
trc_lgth_y = y;
trc_wdth_x = x + length;
trc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
ctx.moveTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(tlc_ctrl_x, tlc_ctrl_y, tlc_wdth_x, tlc_wdth_y);
ctx.lineTo(blc_wdth_x, blc_wdth_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(blc_ctrl_x, blc_ctrl_y, blc_lgth_x, blc_lgth_y);
ctx.lineTo(brc_lgth_x, brc_lgth_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(brc_ctrl_x, brc_ctrl_y, brc_wdth_x, brc_wdth_y);
ctx.lineTo(trc_wdth_x, trc_wdth_y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(trc_ctrl_x, trc_ctrl_y, trc_lgth_x, trc_lgth_y);
ctx.lineTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y);
| parsers/bed.js |
Bed parser
function bed(file, chart) {
var lines = file.split("\n");
var features = [];
var max = undefined;
var min = undefined;
var trackInfo = lines[0];
numFeatures = lines.length
for( var j=1; j < numFeatures; j++ ) {
if( lines[j] == "" ) break;
var fields = lines[j].split(" ");
var chromStart = parseInt(fields[1]);
var chromEnd = parseInt(fields[2]);
var name = fields[0] + ": " + fields[3];
var orientation = fields[5];
var itemRgb = fields[8];
var blockLengths = fields[10].split(',');
var blockStarts = fields[11].split(',');
var complex = chart.addFeature( new Complex('complex', chromStart, chromEnd, orientation, [], {'color':itemRgb, 'name':name}) );
for( var k=0; k<blockLengths.length; k++) {
if( blockLengths[k] == "") break;
complex.addSubFeature( new BlockArrow('complex', parseInt(blockStarts[k]), parseInt(blockLengths[k]), orientation));
| parsers/genbank.js |
Genbank parser
function genbank(file, bchart) {
var lines = file.split("\n");
var re = new RegExp(/\s+gene\s+([a-z]*)\(?(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/);
var genes = [];
var max = undefined;
var min = undefined;
for( var j=0; j < lines.length; j++ ) {
var gene_info;
if (gene_info = lines[j].match(re)) {
var end = gene_info[2];
if (max == undefined || max > end)
max = end;
var position = gene_info[1];
if (min == undefined || min < position)
min = position;
bchart.scale.max = max;
bchart.scale.min = min;
for(var i=0; i < genes.length; i++ ) {
var strand = '+';
if ( genes[i][0] == "complement" )
strand = '-';
var position = genes[i][1];
var end = genes[i][2];
position = position - 1 + 1;
var length = end - position;
bchart.addGene(position, length, strand);