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HTML5 Canvas Genomics Graphics Library



Scribl Class

sets defaults, defines how to add features to chart/view and some methods to help coordinate drawing

Chase Miller 2011

// globals
// if (SCRIBL == undefined) {
    var SCRIBL = {};
    SCRIBL.chars = {};                                    
    SCRIBL.chars.nt_color = 'white';
    SCRIBL.chars.nt_A_bg = 'red';
    SCRIBL.chars.nt_G_bg = 'blue';
    SCRIBL.chars.nt_C_bg = 'green';
    SCRIBL.chars.nt_T_bg = 'black';
    SCRIBL.chars.nt_N_bg = 'purple';
    SCRIBL.chars.nt_dash_bg = 'rgb(120,120,120)';
    SCRIBL.chars.heights = [];
    SCRIBL.chars.canvasHolder = document.createElement('canvas');      
var Scribl = Class.extend({


Constructor, call this with new Scribl()

  • param: Object canvasHTML object

  • param: Int width of chart in pixels

  • return: Object Scribl object

  • api: public

init: function(canvas, width) {
      this.scrolled = false;
      // create canvas contexts		
      var ctx;
      if (canvas)
         ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      var chart = this;      

      // chart defaults
      this.width = width;
      this.uid = _uniqueId('chart');
      this.laneSizes = 50;	
      this.laneBuffer = 5;
      this.trackBuffer = 25;
      this.offset = undefined;
      this.canvas = canvas;
      this.ctx = ctx;
      // scale defaults
      this.scale = {};
      this.scale.pretty = true;
      this.scale.max = undefined;
      this.scale.min = undefined; = true;
      this.scale.userControlled = false;
      this.scale.positions = [0]; // by default scale goes on top = false;
      this.scale.size = 15; // in pixels
      this.scale.font = {};
      this.scale.font.size = 15; // in pixels
      this.scale.font.color = 'black';
      this.scale.font.buffer = 10; // in pixels - buffer between two scale numbers
                                   // (e.g. 1k and 2k)
      // glyph defaults
      this.glyph = {};
      this.glyph.roundness = 6;
      this.glyph.borderWidth = 1; // in pixels
      this.glyph.color = ['#99CCFF', 'rgb(63, 128, 205)'];
      this.glyph.text = {};
      this.glyph.text.color = 'black';
      this.glyph.text.size = '13'; // in pixels
      this.glyph.text.font = 'arial';
      this.glyph.text.align = 'center';
      // initialize common types
      this.gene = {};
      this.gene.text = {};
      this.protein = {};
      this.protein.text = {};
      // event defaults = {}; = false; = false; = new Array; = new Array; = false;
      this.mouseHandler = function(e) { 
         chart.handleMouseEvent(e, 'mouseover') 
      this.clickHandler = function(e) { chart.handleMouseEvent(e, 'click') };
      // tick defaults
      this.tick = {}; = true;
      this.tick.major = {};
      this.tick.major.size = 10; // width between major ticks in nucleotides
      this.tick.major.color = 'black';
      this.tick.minor = {};
      this.tick.minor.size = 1; // width between minor ticks in nucleotides
      this.tick.minor.color = 'rgb(55,55,55)';
      this.tick.halfColor = 'rgb(10,10,10)';
      // tooltip defaults
      this.tooltips = {};
      this.tooltips.text = {}
      this.tooltips.text.font = 'arial';
      this.tooltips.text.size = 12; // in pixels
      this.tooltips.borderWidth = 1; // in pixels
      this.tooltips.roundness = 5;  // in pixels
      this.tooltips.fade = false; = 'light';  // also a 'dark' option
      this.lastToolTips = [];
      // scroll defaults
      this.scrollable = false;
      this.scrollValues = [0, undefined]; // values in nts where scroll
      this.chars = {}; 
      this.chars.drawOnBuild = [];
      // draw defaults
      this.drawStyle = 'expand';  
      // draw hooks
      this.glyphHooks = [];
      this.trackHooks = [];
      // private variables
      this.myMouseEventHandler = new MouseEventHandler(this);
      this.tracks = [];
      var scaleSize = this.scale.size;
      var scaleFontSize = this.scale.font.size


Get the height of the scale/ruler

  • return: Int height in pixels

  • api: public

getScaleHeight: function() {
      return (this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size);


Get the height of the entire Scribl chart/view

  • return: Int height in pixels

  • api: public

getHeight: function() {
      var wholeHeight = 0;
      if (! wholeHeight += this.getScaleHeight();
      var numTracks = this.tracks.length
      for (var i=0; i < numTracks; i++) {
         wholeHeight += this.trackBuffer;
         wholeHeight += this.tracks[i].getHeight();

      return wholeHeight;


Returns an array of features (e.g. gene)

  • return: Array of features

  • api: public

getFeatures: function() {
      var features = [];
      for (var i=0; i < this.tracks.length; i++){
         for (var k=0; k < this.tracks[i].lanes.length; k++) {
            features = features.concat(this.tracks[i].lanes[k].features);
      return features;


Changes the canvas that Scribl draws to

  • param: Html Canvas Element the canvas to draw to

  • api: public

setCanvas: function(canvas){
      this.canvas = canvas;
      this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
     // this.registerEventListeners();


Inserts a scale at the end of the last track currently added to the chart

  • api: public

addScale: function() {
      if (this.scale.userControlled)
         this.scale.positions.push( this.tracks.length );
      else {
         this.scale.positions = [ this.tracks.length ];
         this.scale.userControlled = true;


Creates a new track and adds it to the Scribl chart/view

  • return: Object the new track

  • api: public

addTrack: function() {
      var track = new Track(this);
      if (this.tracks.length == 1 && this.tracks[0] == undefined)
         this.tracks = [];
      return track;


removes a track

  • param: Object the track to be removed

  • api: public

removeTrack: function(track) {
	   var chart = this;
      for (var i=0; i < chart.tracks.length; i++){
         if (track.uid == chart.tracks[i].uid)
      delete track;


parses a genbank file and adds the features to the Scribl chart/view

  • param: String genbank file as a string

  • api: public

loadGenbank: function(file) {
      genbank(file, this);


parses a bed file and adds the features to the Scribl chart/view

  • param: String bed file as a string

  • api: public

loadBed: function(file) {
      bed(file, this);


parses a bam file and adds the features to the Scribl chart/view

  • param: File bam file as a javascript file object

  • param: File bai (bam index) file as a javascript file object

  • param: Int start

  • param: Int end

  • api: public

loadBam: function(bamFile, baiFile, chr, start, end, callback) {
	   var scribl = this;
      // scribl.scale.min = start;
      // scribl.scale.max = end;
	   var track = scribl.addTrack();
	   track.status = 'waiting';
      makeBam(new BlobFetchable(bamFile), 
              new BlobFetchable(baiFile),
              function(bam, reader) {
                 scribl.file = bam;
                 bam.fetch(chr, start, end, function(r, e) {
                                     if (r) {
                                         for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i += 1) {
                                            track.addFeature( new BlockArrow('bam', r[i].pos, r[i].lengthOnRef, '+', {'seq':r[i].seq}))
                                         track.status = "received";
                                         if (track.drawOnResponse)
                                     if (e) {
                                         alert('error: ' + e);
      return track;


adds the features to the Scribl chart/view

  • param: Array features - array of features, which can be any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • api: public

loadFeatures: function(features) {
      for ( var i=0; i < features.length; i++ )
         this.addFeature( features[i] );


syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the gene type

  • param: Int position - start position of the feature

  • param: Int length - length of the feature

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to feature

  • return: Object feature - a feature with the 'feature' type

  • api: public

addGene: function (position, length, strand, opts) {
      return (this.addFeature(
         new BlockArrow('gene', position, length, strand, opts)


syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the protein type

  • param: Int position - start position of the protein

  • param: Int length - length of the protein

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to protein

  • return: Object protein - a feature with the 'protein' type

  • api: public

addProtein: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
      return (this.addFeature( 
         new BlockArrow('protein', position, length, strand, opts) 


addFeature to Scribl chart/view and let Scribl manage track and lane placement to avoid overlaps

example: chart.addFeature( new Rect('complex',3500, 2000) );

  • param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • return: Object feature

  • api: public

addFeature: function( feature ) {	
      var track = this.tracks[0] || this.addTrack();
      return feature;


slices the Scribl chart/view at given places and returns a smaller chart/view

  • param: Int from - nucleotide position to slice from

  • param: Int to - nucleotide position to slice to

  • param: String type - inclusive (defaulte) includes any feature that has any part in region, exclusive, includes only features that are entirely in the region, strict if feature is partly in region, it'll cut that feature at the boundary and include the cut portion

  • return: Object Scribl

  • api: public

slice: function(from, to, type) {
      type = type || 'inclusive';
      var chart = this;
      var sliced_features = [];
      // iterate through tracks
      var numTracks = this.tracks.length;
      var newChart = new Scribl(this.canvas, this.width);
      // TODO: make this more robust
      newChart.scale.min    = this.scale.min;      
      newChart.scale.max    = this.scale.max;
      newChart.offset       = this.offset;    =;
      newChart.scale.pretty = this.scale.pretty;      
      newChart.laneSizes    = this.laneSizes;
      newChart.drawStyle    = this.drawStyle;
      newChart.glyph        = this.glyph;
      newChart.glyphHooks   = this.glyphHooks;
      newChart.trackHooks   = this.trackHooks;
//      newChart.mouseHandler = this.mouseHandler;
//      newChart.clickHandler = this.clickHandler;
      newChart.previousDrawStyle = this.previousDrawStyle;
      // for ( var i in object.getOwnPropertyNames(this) ) {
      //    newChart[i] = this[i];
      // }
      // Aliases for the rather verbose methods on ES5
      // var descriptor  = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
      //   , properties  = Object.getOwnPropertyNames
      //   , define_prop = Object.defineProperty

      // (target:Object, source:Object) → Object
      // Copies properties from `source' to `target'

          // properties(chart).forEach(function(key) {
          //     define_prop(newChart, key, descriptor(chart, key)) })

      for ( var j=0; j < numTracks; j++) {
         var track = this.tracks[j];
         var newTrack = newChart.addTrack();
         newTrack.drawStyle = track.drawStyle;
         var numLanes = track.lanes.length;
         for ( var i=0; i < numLanes; i++ ) {
            var newLane = newTrack.addLane();
            var s_features = track.lanes[i].features;
            for (var k=0; k < s_features.length; k++ ) {
               var end = s_features[k].position + s_features[k].length;
               var start = s_features[k].position;               
               // determine if feature is in slice/region
               if(type == 'inclusive') {
                  if ( start >= from && start <= to )
                     newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
                  else if ( end > from && end < to )
                     newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )				
                  else if ( start < from && end > to )
                     newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )				
                  else if ( start > from && end < to)
                     newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )				
               } else if (type == 'strict') {
                  if ( start >= from && start <= to){
                     if (end > from && end < to)
                        newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )
                     else {
                        // turn first half into rect to stop having two block arrows features    
                        if (s_features[k].glyphType == "BlockArrow" && s_features[k].strand == "+")                                               
                           var f = s_features[k].clone("Rect");
                           var f = s_features[k].clone();
                        f.length = Math.abs(to - start);
                        newLane.addFeature( f );
                  } else if (end > from && end < to) {
                     // turn first half into rect to stop having two block arrows features    
                     if (s_features[k].glyphType == "BlockArrow" && s_features[k].strand == "-")                                               
                        var f = s_features[k].clone("Rect");
                        var f = s_features[k].clone();
                     f.position = from;
                     f.length = Math.abs(end - from);
                     newLane.addFeature( f );
                  else if( start < from && end > to){
                     // turn first half into rect to stop having two block arrows features    
                     if (s_features[k].glyphType == "BlockArrow")                                               
                        var f = s_features[k].clone("Rect");
                        var f = s_features[k].clone();
                     f.position = from;
                     f.length = Math.abs(to - from);
                     newLane.addFeature( f );
               } else if (type == 'exclusive') {
                  if ( start >= from && start <= to && end > from && end < to)
                     newLane.addFeature( s_features[k].clone() )

      // for (var attr in this) {
      //    if (this.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = this[attr];
      // }

      return newChart;


draws everything

  • api: public

draw: function() {
      // initalize variables
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var tracks = this.tracks;
      // check if scrollable
      if (this.scrollable == true) {		    
      // make scale pretty by starting and ending the scale
      // at major ticks and choosing best tick distances
      // fix offsets so scale will not be cut off on left side
      // check if offset is turned off and then set it to static '0'
      if (this.offset == undefined) 
         this.offset = Math.ceil( ctx.measureText('0').width/2 + 10 );			

//;		;

      // draw tracks
      for (var i=0; i<tracks.length; i++) {
         // draw scale
         if (! && this.scale.positions.indexOf(i) != -1)
      // test if scale is drawn last
      if (! && this.scale.positions.indexOf(tracks.length) != -1)
//      ctx.restore();	
      // add events if haven't done so already
      if (!


clears chart/view and draws it

  • api: public

redraw: function(){
      this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
      if (this.tracks.length > 0)


initializes scale

  • api: internal

initScale: function() {
	   if (this.scale.pretty) {					
         // determine reasonable tick intervals
         if ( {
            // set major tick interval
            this.tick.major.size = this.determineMajorTick();

            // set minor tick interval
            this.tick.minor.size = Math.round(this.tick.major.size / 10);
         // make scale end on major ticks
         if ( { 
            this.scale.min -= this.scale.min % this.tick.major.size;
            this.scale.max = Math.round(this.scale.max / this.tick.major.size + .4) 
               * this.tick.major.size;


draws scale

  • api: public

drawScale: function(options){	   
      var firstMinorTick;
      var ctx = this.ctx;
      var fillStyleRevert = ctx.fillStyle;
      if(options && options.init)
      // determine tick vertical sizes and vertical tick positions
      var tickStartPos = this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size;
      var majorTickEndPos = this.scale.font.size + 2;
      var minorTickEndPos = this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size * 0.66;
      var halfTickEndPos = this.scale.font.size + this.scale.size * 0.33;
      // set scale defaults
      ctx.font = this.scale.font.size + 'px arial';
      ctx.textBaseline = 'top';		
      ctx.fillStyle = this.scale.font.color;
      if (this.offset == undefined) 
         this.offset = Math.ceil( ctx.measureText('0').width/2 + 10 );      
      // determine the place to start first minor tick
      if (this.scale.min % this.tick.minor.size == 0)
         firstMinorTick = this.scale.min
         firstMinorTick = this.scale.min - (this.scale.min % this.tick.minor.size) 
            + this.tick.minor.size;
      // draw
      for(var i = firstMinorTick; i <= this.scale.max; i += this.tick.minor.size){		    
         if(i == 187250)
            var h = 2;
         var curr_pos = this.pixelsToNts(i - this.scale.min) + this.offset;
         if ( i % this.tick.major.size == 0) { // draw major tick
            // create text
            var tickText = this.getTickText(i);
            ctx.textAlign = 'center';
            ctx.fillText( tickText , curr_pos, 0 );

            // create major tick
            ctx.moveTo( curr_pos, tickStartPos );
            ctx.lineTo( curr_pos, majorTickEndPos );
            ctx.strokeStyle = this.tick.major.color;

            } else { // draw minor tick
               ctx.moveTo( curr_pos, tickStartPos );

               // create half tick - tick between two major ticks
               if ( i % (this.tick.major.size/2) == 0 ) {
                  ctx.strokeStyle = this.tick.halfColor;
                  ctx.lineTo( curr_pos, halfTickEndPos );
               // create minor tick
                  ctx.strokeStyle = this.tick.minor.color;
                  ctx.lineTo( curr_pos, minorTickEndPos );
         // restore fillstyle
         ctx.fillStyle = fillStyleRevert;

         // shift down size of scale
         ctx.translate(0, this.getScaleHeight() + this.laneBuffer);


Get the number of nucleotides per the given pixels

  • param: Int [pixels] optional - if not given, the ratio of pixels/nts will be returned

  • return: Int nucleotides or pixels/nts ratio

  • api: internal

pixelsToNts: function(pixels) { 
      if (pixels == undefined)
         return ( this.width / ( this.scale.max - this.scale.min) );
         return ( this.width / ( this.scale.max - this.scale.min) * pixels  );


Get the number of pixels shown per given nucleotides

  • param: Int [nucleotides] optional - if not given, the ratio of nts/pixel will be returned

  • return: Int pixels or nts/pixel ratio

  • api: internal

ntsToPixels: function(nts) { 
      if (nts == undefined) 
         return ( 1 / this.pixelsToNts() );
         return ( nts / this.width );


turns static chart into scrollable chart

  • api: internal

initScrollable: function() {
      var scrollStartMin;
      if (!this.scrolled){
         // create divs
         var parentDiv = document.createElement('div');
         var canvasContainer = document.createElement('div');
         var sliderDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'scribl-zoom-slider';
         sliderDiv.className = 'slider'; = 'left'; = (new String(this.canvas.height * .5)) + 'px'; = '30px auto auto -20px'
         // grab css styling from canavs =; = '';
         parentWidth = parseInt(this.canvas.width) + 25; = parentWidth + 'px'; = this.canvas.width + 'px'; = 'auto'; = 'scroll-wrapper';                     
         this.canvas.parentNode.replaceChild(parentDiv, this.canvas);

         jQuery(canvasContainer).dragscrollable({dragSelector: 'canvas:first', acceptPropagatedEvent: false});      
      var totalNts =  this.scale.max - this.scale.min;
      var scrollStartMax = this.scrollValues[1] || this.scale.max - totalNts * .35;
      if( this.scrollValues[0] != undefined)
          scrollStartMin = this.scrollValues[0];
          scrollStartMin = this.scale.max + totalNts * .35;            

      var viewNts = scrollStartMax - scrollStartMin;            
      var viewNtsPerPixel = viewNts / document.getElementById('scroll-wrapper').style.width.split('px')[0];

      var canvasWidth = (totalNts / viewNtsPerPixel) || 100;
      this.canvas.width = canvasWidth;
      this.width = canvasWidth - 30;
      schart = this;
      var zoomValue = (scrollStartMax - scrollStartMin) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min) * 100 || 1;

         orientation: 'vertical',
         range: 'min',
         min: 6,
         max: 100,
         value: zoomValue,
         slide: function( event, ui ) {
            var totalNts = schart.scale.max - schart.scale.min;
            var width = ui['value'] / 100 * totalNts;
            var widthPixels = ui['value'] / 100 * schart.canvas.width;
            var canvasContainer = document.getElementById('scroll-wrapper');
            var center = canvasContainer.scrollLeft + parseInt('px')[0]) / 2;
            // get min max pixels
            var minPixel = center - widthPixels/2;
            var maxPixel = center + widthPixels/2;
            // convert to nt
            var min = schart.scale.min + (minPixel / schart.canvas.width) * totalNts;
            var max = schart.scale.min + (maxPixel / schart.canvas.width) * totalNts;

            schart.scrollValues = [min, max];
            schart.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, schart.canvas.width, schart.canvas.height);

      var startingPixel = (scrollStartMin - this.scale.min) / totalNts * this.canvas.width;        
      document.getElementById('scroll-wrapper').scrollLeft = startingPixel;
      this.scrolled = true;


intelligently determines a major tick interval based on size of the chart/view and size of the numbers on the scale

  • return: Int major tick interval

  • api: internal

determineMajorTick: function() {
      this.ctx.font = this.scale.font.size + 'px arial';
      var numtimes = this.width/(this.ctx.measureText(this.getTickTextDecimalPlaces(this.scale.max)).width + this.scale.font.buffer);

      // figure out the base of the tick (e.g. 2120 => 2000)
      var irregularTick = (this.scale.max - this.scale.min) / numtimes;
      var baseNum =  Math.pow(10, parseInt(irregularTick).toString().length -1);
      this.tick.major.size = Math.ceil(irregularTick / baseNum) * baseNum;		
		// round up to a 5* or 1* number (e.g 5000 or 10000)
      var digits = (this.tick.major.size + '').length;
      var places = Math.pow(10, digits);
      var first_digit = this.tick.major.size / places;
      if (first_digit > .1 && first_digit <= .5)
      	first_digit = .5;
      else if (first_digit > .5)
      	first_digit = 1;
      // return major tick interval
      return (first_digit * places);


abbreviates tick text numbers using 'k', or 'm' (e.g. 10000 becomes 10k)

  • param: Int tickNumber - the tick number that needs to be abbreviated

  • return: String abbreviated tickNumber

  • api: internal

getTickText: function(tickNumber) {
      if ( ! )
         return tickNumber;
      var tickText = tickNumber;
      if (tickNumber >= 1000000 ) {
         var decPlaces = 5;
         var base = Math.pow(10, decPlaces)
         tickText = Math.round(tickText / 1000000 * base) / base + 'm'; // round to decPlaces
      } else if ( tickNumber >= 1000 ) {
         var decPlaces = 2;
         var base = Math.pow(10, decPlaces)		    
         tickText = Math.round(tickText / 1000 * base) / base + 'k';
      return tickText;


determines the tick text with decimal places

  • param: Int tickNumber - the tick number that needs to be abbreviated

  • return: String abbreviated tickNumber

  • api: internal

getTickTextDecimalPlaces: function(tickNumber){
      if ( ! )
         return tickNumber;
      var tickText = tickNumber;
      if (tickNumber >= 1000000 ) {
         var decPlaces = 5;
         tickText = Math.round( tickText / (1000000 / Math.pow(10,decPlaces)) ) + 'm'; // round to 2 decimal places
      } else if ( tickNumber >= 1000 ){
         var decPlaces = 2;
         tickText = Math.round( tickText / (1000 / Math.pow(10,decPlaces)) ) + 'k';

      return tickText;


handles mouse events

  • param: Object event - triggered event

  • param: String type - type of event

  • api: internal

handleMouseEvent: function(e, type) {
      var positionY = this.myMouseEventHandler.mouseY;
      var lane;
      for( var i=0; i < this.tracks.length; i++) {
         for( var k=0; k < this.tracks[i].lanes.length; k++) {
            var yt = this.tracks[i].lanes[k].getPixelPositionY();
            var yb = yt + this.tracks[i].lanes[k].getHeight();
            if (positionY >= yt && positionY <= yb ) {
               lane = this.tracks[i].lanes[k];
      // if mouse is not on any tracks then return
      if (!lane) return;
      var drawStyle = lane.track.getDrawStyle();
      if (drawStyle == 'collapse') {
      } else if (drawStyle == 'line') {
        // do nothing 
      } else {; 
         this.ctx.translate(0, lane.getPixelPositionY());
         var ltt;
         while (ltt =  this.lastToolTips.pop() ) {
            this.ctx.putImageData(ltt.pixels, ltt.x, ltt.y )
      var chart = this;
      if (type == 'click') {
         var clicksFns =;
         for (var i = 0; i < clicksFns.length; i++)
      } else {
         var mouseoverFns =;
         for (var i = 0; i < mouseoverFns.length; i++) 



add's function that will execute each time a feature is clicked

  • param: Function func - function to be triggered

  • api: public

addClickEventListener: function(func) {;


add's function that will execute each time a feature is mouseovered

  • param: Function func - function to be triggered

  • api: public

addMouseoverEventListener: function(func) {;


remove event listerners

  • param: String event-type - e.g. mouseover, click, etc...

  • api: internal

removeEventListeners: function(eventType){
      if (eventType == 'mouseover')
         this.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseHandler);
      else if (eventType == 'click')
         this.canvas.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);


adds event listerners

  • api: internal

registerEventListeners: function() {
      var chart = this;

      if ( > 0) {
         this.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', chart.mouseHandler);
         this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', chart.mouseHandler, false);
      if ( > 0 ) {
         //$(this.canvas).bind('click', function(e) {chart.handleMouseEvent(e, 'click')})
         this.canvas.removeEventListener('click', chart.clickHandler);
         this.canvas.addEventListener('click', chart.clickHandler, false);
      } = true;




Tracks are used to segregrate different sequence data

Chase Miller 2011

var Track = Class.extend({



This is called with new Track(), but to create new Tracks associated with a chart use Scribl.addTrack()

  • param: Object ctx - the canvas.context object

  • api: internal

init: function(chart) {
      // defaults
      var track = this;
      this.chart = chart
      this.lanes = [];
      this.ctx = chart.ctx;
      this.uid = _uniqueId('track');      
      this.drawStyle = undefined;
      this.hide = false;
      this.hooks = {};
      // add draw hooks
      for (var i=0; i<chart.trackHooks.length; i++) {
         this.addDrawHook( chart.trackHooks[i] );
      // coverage variables
      this.coverageData = [];  // number of features at any given pixel;
      this.maxDepth = 0; // highest depth for this track;


creates a new Lane associated with this Track

  • return: Object Lane - a Lane object

  • api: public

addLane: function() {
      var lane = new Lane(this.ctx, this);
      return lane;


syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the gene type to this Track

  • param: Int position - start position of the gene

  • param: Int length - length of the gene

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to gene

  • return: Object gene - a feature with the 'gene' type

  • api: public

addGene: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
      return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("gene", position, length, strand, opts) ) );


syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the protein type to this Track

  • param: Int position - start position of the protein

  • param: Int length - length of the protein

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to protein

  • return: Object protein - a feature with the 'protein' type

  • api: public

addProtein: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
      return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("protein", position, length, strand, opts) ) );


addFeature to this Track and let Scribl manage lane placement to avoid overlaps

example: track.addFeature( new Rect('complex',3500, 2000) );

  • param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • return: Object feature - new feature

  • api: public

addFeature: function( feature ) {
      var curr_lane;
      var new_lane = true;
      // try to add feature at lower lanes then move up
      for (var j=0; j < this.lanes.length; j++) {
         var prev_feature = this.lanes[j].features[ this.lanes[j].features.length - 1 ];

         // check if new lane is needed
         var spacer = 3/this.chart.pixelsToNts() || 3;
         if ( prev_feature != undefined && (feature.position - spacer) > (prev_feature.position + prev_feature.length) ) {
            new_lane = false;
            curr_lane = this.lanes[j];

      // add new lane if needed
      if (new_lane)
         curr_lane = this.addLane();
      // add feature
      curr_lane.addFeature( feature );	
      return feature;


hides the track so it doesn't get drawn

  • api: public

hide: function() {
	   this.hide = true;


unhides the track so it is drawn

  • api: public

unhide: function() {
	   this.hide = false;


returns the draw style associated with this track

  • return: String drawStyle - the style this track will be drawn e.g. expand, collapse, line

  • api: public

getDrawStyle: function() {
      if (this.drawStyle)
         return this.drawStyle
         return this.chart.drawStyle;


returns the height of this track in pixels

  • return: Int height

  • api: public

getHeight: function() {
      var wholeHeight = 0;
      var numLanes = this.lanes.length;
      var laneBuffer = this.chart.laneBuffer;
      var drawStyle = this.getDrawStyle();
      if (drawStyle == 'line' || drawStyle == 'collapse')
         numLanes = 1;
      for (var i=0; i < numLanes; i++) {
         wholeHeight += laneBuffer;
         wholeHeight += this.lanes[i].getHeight();
      // subtract 1 laneBuffer b\c laneBuffers are between lanes
      wholeHeight -= laneBuffer;
      return wholeHeight;


gets the number of pixels from the top of the chart to the top of this track

  • return: Int pixelPositionY

  • api: public

getPixelPositionY: function() {
      var track = this;
      var y;
      if (!
         y = track.chart.getScaleHeight() + track.chart.laneBuffer;
         y = 0;

      for( var i=0; i < track.chart.tracks.length; i++ ) {
         if (track.uid == track.chart.tracks[i].uid) break;
         y += track.chart.trackBuffer;
         y += track.chart.tracks[i].getHeight();
      return y; 


calculates the coverage (the number of features) at each pixel

  • api: internal

calcCoverageData: function() {
      var lanes = this.lanes 
      var min = this.chart.scale.min;
      var max = this.chart.scale.max;
	   // determine feature locations
      for (var i=0; i<lanes.length; i++) {
         for (var k=0; k<lanes[i].features.length; k++) {
            var feature = lanes[i].features[k];
            var pos = feature.position;
            var end = feature.getEnd();
            if ( (pos >= min && pos <= max) || (end >= min && end <= max) ) {
               var from = Math.round( feature.getPixelPositionX() );
               var to =  Math.round( from + feature.getPixelLength() );
               for (var j=from; j <= to; j++) { 
                  this.coverageData[j] = this.coverageData[j] + 1 || 1; 
                  this.maxDepth = Math.max(this.coverageData[j], this.maxDepth);


erases this track

  • api: internal

erase: function() {
      var track = this;
      track.chart.ctx.clearRect(0, track.getPixelPositionY(), track.chart.width, track.getHeight());


draws Track

  • api: internal

draw: function() {
      var track = this;
      // execute hooks
      var dontDraw = false;
      for (var i in track.hooks) {
         dontDraw = track.hooks[i](track) || dontDraw;
      // check if track is waiting and if so do nothing
      if ( track.status == 'waiting' ) {
         track.drawOnResponse = true;
      // check if track shouldn't be drawn
      var style = track.getDrawStyle();
      var laneSize = track.chart.laneSizes;
      var lanes = track.lanes;
      var laneBuffer = track.chart.laneBuffer;
      var trackBuffer = track.chart.trackBuffer;
      var y =  laneSize + trackBuffer;
      var ctx = track.chart.ctx;
      if (!dontDraw) {
         // draw lanes
         // draw expanded/default style
         if ( style == undefined || style == 'expand' ) {   		
            for (var i=0; i<lanes.length; i++) {
               lanes[i].y = y;
               if(lanes[i].draw()) {
                  var height = lanes[i].getHeight();
                  ctx.translate(0, height + laneBuffer);
                  y = y + height + laneBuffer;
         } else if ( style == 'collapse' ) { // draw collapse style (i.e. single lane)
            var features = []
            // concat all features into single array
            for (var i=0; i<lanes.length; i++) {
               features = features.concat(lanes[i].features);
            // sort features so the minimal number of lanes are used
            features.sort( function(a,b){ return(a.position - b.position); } );
            for (var j=0; j<features.length; j++) {
               var originalLength = features[j].length;
               var originalName = features[j].name;
               var m = undefined;
               // for( m=j+1; m < features.length; m++) {
               //    // if a feature is overlapping change length to draw as a single feature
               //    if (features[j].getEnd() >= features[m].position) {
               //       features[j].length = Math.max(features[j].getEnd(), features[m].getEnd()) - features[j].position;
               //       features[j].name = "";
               //    } else break;
               // }               
               // draw
               // put length and name back to correct values
               features[j].length = originalLength;
               features[j].name = originalName;
               // update j to skip features that were merged
             //  j = m-1;
            // translate down to next lane to draw
            if (lanes.length > 0)
               ctx.translate(0, lanes[0].getHeight() + laneBuffer);
         // draw as a line chart of the coverage
         } else if ( style == 'line' ) {
            track.coverageData = [];
            if (track.coverageData.length == 0) track.calcCoverageData();
            var normalizationFactor = this.maxDepth;

   //         ctx.moveTo(this.chart.offset, laneSize);
            for (var k=this.chart.offset; k <= this.chart.width + this.chart.offset; k++) {
               var normalizedPt = track.coverageData[k] / normalizationFactor * laneSize || 0;
               normalizedPt = laneSize - normalizedPt;
               ctx.lineTo(k, normalizedPt);
            ctx.lineTo(this.chart.width + this.chart.offset, laneSize)
   //		   ctx.lineTo(this.chart.offset, laneSize);
            ctx.translate(0, lanes[0].getHeight() + laneBuffer);
      // add track buffer - extra laneBuffer


add function that executes before the track is drawn

  • param: Function function - takes track as param, returns true to stop the normal draw, false to allow

  • return: Int id - returns the uniqe id for the hook which is used to remove it

  • api: public

addDrawHook: function(fn, hookId) {
      var uid = hookId || _uniqueId('drawHook');
      this.hooks[uid] = fn;
      return uid;


removes function that executes before the track is drawn

  • param: Int id - the id of drawHook function that will be removed

  • api: public

removeDrawHook: function(uid) {
       delete this.hooks[uid];




A lane is used to draw features on a single y position

Chase Miller 2011

var Lane = Class.extend({



This is called with new Lane(), but to create new Lanes associated with a chart use track.addLane()

  • param: Object ctx - the canvas.context object

  • param: Object track - track that this lane belongs to

  • api: internal

init: function(ctx, track) {
      // defaults
      this.height = undefined;
      this.features = [];
      this.ctx = ctx;
      this.track = track;
      this.chart = track.chart;
      this.uid = _uniqueId('lane');


syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the gene type to this Lane

  • param: Int position - start position of the gene

  • param: Int length - length of the gene

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to gene

  • return: Object gene - a feature with the 'gene' type

  • api: public

addGene: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
      return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("gene", position, length, strand, opts) ) );


syntactic sugar function to add a feature with the protein type to this Lane

  • param: Int position - start position of the protein

  • param: Int length - length of the protein

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of options that can be applied to protein

  • return: Object protein - a feature with the 'protein' type

  • api: public

addProtein: function(position, length, strand, opts) {
      return (this.addFeature( new BlockArrow("protein", position, length, strand, opts) ) );


addFeature to this Lane, allowing potential overlaps

example: lane.addFeature( new Rect('complex',3500, 2000) );

  • param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • return: Object feature - new feature

  • api: public

addFeature: function( feature ) {
      // create feature
      feature.lane = this;
      // initialize hash containers for "type" level options
      if (! this.chart[feature.type] ){
         this.chart[feature.type] = {'text': {}}
      // determine chart absolute_min and absolute_max
      if ( feature.length + feature.position > this.chart.scale.max || !this.chart.scale.max )
         this.chart.scale.max = feature.length + feature.position;
      if ( feature.position < this.chart.scale.min || !this.chart.scale.min )
         this.chart.scale.min = feature.position;				
      return feature;


adds the features to this Lane

  • param: Array features - array of features, which can be any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • api: public

loadFeatures: function(features) {
      var featureNum = features.length;
      for(var i=0; i<featureNum; i++)


returns the height of this lane in pixels

  • return: Int height

  • api: public

getHeight: function() {
      if ( this.height != undefined )
         return this.height;
         return this.chart.laneSizes;


gets the number of pixels from the top of the chart to the top of this lane

  • return: Int pixelPositionY

  • api: public

getPixelPositionY: function() {
      var lane = this;
      var y = lane.track.getPixelPositionY();
      var laneHeight = lane.getHeight();
      for( var i=0; i < lane.track.lanes.length; i++ ) {	      
         if (lane.uid == lane.track.lanes[i].uid) break;
         y += lane.track.chart.laneBuffer;
         y += laneHeight;
      return y;


erases this lane

  • api: internal

erase: function() {
      var lane = this;
      lane.chart.ctx.clearRect(0, lane.getPixelPositionY(), lane.track.chart.canvas.width, lane.getHeight());


draws lane

  • api: internal

draw: function() {
	   var min = this.track.chart.scale.min;
      var max = this.track.chart.scale.max;
	   var hasGlyphs = false;
      for (var i=0; i< this.features.length; i++) {
         var pos = this.features[i].position;
         var end = this.features[i].getEnd();
         if ( pos >= min && pos <= max || end >= min && end <= max) {
            hasGlyphs = true;
      return hasGlyphs;




Generic glyph class that should not be used directly. All feature classes (e.g. Rect, arrow, etc..) inherit from this class

Chase Miller 2011

var Glyph = Class.extend({


Constructor, call this with new Glyph() This method must be called in all feature subclasses like so this._super(type, pos, length, strand, opts)

  • param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with

  • param: Int position - start position of the glyph

  • param: Int length - length of the glyph

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph

  • api: internal

init: function(type, pos, length, strand, opts) {
      var glyph = this;
      // set unique id
      this.uid = _uniqueId('feature');
      // set variables
      glyph.position = pos;
      glyph.length = length;
      glyph.strand = strand;
      // this is used for all attributes at the chart level (e.g. chart.gene.color = "blue" )
      this.type = type;
      glyph.opts = {};
    = "";
      glyph.borderColor = "none";
      glyph.borderWidth = undefined;
      glyph.ntLevel = 4; // in pixels - sets the level at which glyphs are rendered as actual nucleotides instead of icons
      glyph.tooltips = [];
      glyph.hooks = {};
      // add seq hook
      glyph.addDrawHook(function(theGlyph) {
        if (theGlyph.ntLevel != undefined && theGlyph.seq && theGlyph.lane.chart.ntsToPixels() < theGlyph.ntLevel){
           var s = new Seq(theGlyph.type, theGlyph.position, theGlyph.length, theGlyph.seq, theGlyph.opts);
           s.lane = theGlyph.lane;
           s.ctx = theGlyph.ctx;
           // return true to stop normal drawing of glyph
           return true;
        // return false to allow normal draing of glyph
        return false;
      }, "ntHook");
      // initialize font variables
      glyph.text = {};
      // unset defaults that can be used to override chart defaults for specific glyphs
      glyph.text.font = undefined; // default: 'arial'
      glyph.text.size = undefined;  // default: '15' in pixels 
      glyph.text.color = undefined; // default: 'black'
      glyph.text.align = undefined; // default: 'middle'		
      glyph.onClick = undefined;
      glyph.onMouseover = undefined;
      // set option attributes if any
      for (var attribute in opts) {
         glyph[attribute] = opts[attribute];
         glyph.opts[attribute] = opts[attribute];


creates a gradient given a list of colors

  • param: List colors - takes as many colors as you like

  • api: public

setColorGradient: function() {
      if(arguments.length == 1){
          this.color = arguments[0];
      var lineargradient = this.lane.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
      var color;
      for(var i=0; color=arguments[i], i < arguments.length; i++){
          lineargradient.addColorStop(i / (arguments.length-1), color);
      this.color = lineargradient;


gets the length of the glyph/feature in pixels

  • return: Int length - in pixels

  • api: public

getPixelLength: function() { 
      var glyph = this;
      return ( glyph.lane.chart.pixelsToNts(glyph.length) || 1 ); 


gets the number of pixels from the left of the chart to the left of this glyph/feature

  • return: Float positionX - in pixels

  • api: public

getPixelPositionX: function() { 
      var glyph = this;
      var offset = parseInt(glyph.lane.track.chart.offset) || 0; 
      if (glyph.parent)
         var position = glyph.position + glyph.parent.position - glyph.lane.track.chart.scale.min;
         var position = glyph.position - glyph.lane.track.chart.scale.min;
      return ( glyph.lane.track.chart.pixelsToNts( position ) + offset); 


gets the number of pixels from the top of the chart to the top of this glyph/feature

  • return: Float positionY - in pixels

  • api: public

getPixelPositionY : function() { 
      var glyph = this;
      return (glyph.lane.getPixelPositionY()); 


gets the nucleotide/amino acid end point of this glyph/feature

  • return: Int end - in nucleotides/amino acids

  • api: public

getEnd: function() {
      return (this.position + this.length);


shallow copy

  • return: Object copy - shallow copy of this glyph/feature

  • api: public

clone: function(glyphType) {
      var glyph = this;
      var newFeature;
      glyphType = glyphType || glyph.glyphType;
      if (glyphType == "Rect" || glyphType == "Line")
         glyph.strand = undefined

         var str = 'new ' + glyphType + '("' + glyph.type + '",' + glyph.position + ',' + glyph.length + ',"' + glyph.strand + '",' + JSON.stringify(glyph.opts) + ')';
         newFeature = eval( str );
         var attrs = Object.keys(glyph);
         for ( var i=0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
            newFeature[attrs[i]] = glyph[attrs[i]];
      } else {
         var str =  'new ' + glyphType + '("' + glyph.type + '",' + glyph.position + ',' + glyph.length + ',' + JSON.stringify(glyph.opts) + ')';
         newFeature = eval(str);
         var attrs = Object.keys(glyph);
         for ( var i=0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
            newFeature[attrs[i]] = glyph[attrs[i]];
      newFeature.tooltips = glyph.tooltips;
      newFeature.hooks = glyph.hooks;
      return( newFeature );


determine and retrieve the appropriate value for each attribute, checks parent, default, type, and glyph levels in the appropriate order

  • param: * attribute

  • return: * attribute

  • api: public

getAttr : function(attr) {
      var glyph = this;
      var attrs = attr.split('-');
      // glyph level
      var glyphLevel = glyph;
      for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { glyphLevel = glyphLevel[attrs[k]]; }
      if (glyphLevel) return glyphLevel
      // parent level
      if (glyph.parent) {
         var parentLevel = glyph.parent;
         for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { parentLevel = parentLevel[attrs[k]]; }
         if (parentLevel) return parentLevel;
      // type level
      var typeLevel = this.lane.chart[glyph.type];
      if (typeLevel) {
         for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { typeLevel = typeLevel[attrs[k]]; }
         if (typeLevel) return typeLevel;
      // chart level
      var chartLevel = glyph.lane.chart.glyph;
      for( var k=0; k < attrs.length; k++) { chartLevel = chartLevel[attrs[k]]; }
      if (chartLevel) return chartLevel;
      // nothing
      return undefined;


draws the text for a glyph/feature

  • param: String text

  • api: internal

drawText : function(text) {
      // initialize
      var glyph = this;
      var ctx = glyph.lane.chart.ctx;
      var padding = 5;
      var length = glyph.getPixelLength();
      var height = glyph.getHeight();
      var fontSize = glyph.getAttr('text-size');
      var fontSizeMin = 8;
      var fontStyle = glyph.getAttr('text-style');
      // set ctx
      ctx.font = fontSize + "px " + fontStyle;
      ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
      ctx.fillStyle = glyph.getAttr('text-color');
      // align text properly
      var placement = undefined
      // handle relative text alignment based on glyph orientation
      var align = glyph.getAttr('text-align');
      if ( align == "start")
         if ( glyph.strand == '+' )
            align = 'left';
            align = 'right';
      else if ( align == "end" ) 
         if ( glyph.strand == '+' )
            align = 'right';
            align = 'left';

      // handle absolute text alignment	
      ctx.textAlign = align;
      if (align == 'left')
         placement = 0 + padding;
      else if ( align == 'center' )
         placement = length/2;
      else if ( align == "right" )
			placement = length - padding;

      // test if text size is too big and if so make it smaller
      var dim = ctx.measureText(text);
      if (text && text != "") {
         while ( (length-dim.width) < 4 ) {
            fontSize = /^\d+/.exec(ctx.font);
            dim = ctx.measureText(text);
            ctx.font = fontSize +  "px " + fontStyle;
            // Check if font is getting too small
            if (fontSize <= fontSizeMin) {
               text = "";  // set name to blank if glyph is too small to display text
         // handle special case
         if (glyph.glyphType == "Complex") {
            var offset = 0;
            var fontsize = /^\d+/.exec(ctx.font);
            if (align == "center")
               offset = -(ctx.measureText(text)./2 + padding/2); 
            ctx.clearRect(placement + offset, /2 - fontsize/2, ctx.measureText(text).width + padding, fontsize);
         ctx.fillText(text, placement, height/2);


determines a roundness value based on the height of the glyph feature, so roundness looks consistent as lane size changes

  • return: Int roundness

  • api: internal

calcRoundness : function() {
	   var roundness = this.getHeight() * this.getAttr('roundness')/100;
	   // round roundness to the nearest 0.5
      roundness = ((roundness*10 % 5) >= 2.5 ? parseInt(roundness*10 / 5) * 5 + 5 : parseInt(roundness*10 / 5) * 5) / 10;
	   return (roundness);


determines if this glyph/feature is contained within a box with the given coordinates

  • param: Int selectionTlX - top left X coordinate of bounding box

  • param: Int selectionTlY - top left Y coordinate of bounding box

  • param: Int selectionBrX - bottom right X coordinate of bounding box

  • param: Int selectionBrY - bottom right Y coordinate of bounding box

  • return: Boolean isContained

  • api: public

isContainedWithinRect : function(selectionTlX, selectionTlY, selectionBrX, selectionBrY) {
      var glyph = this;
      var y = glyph.getPixelPositionY();
      var tlX = glyph.getPixelPositionX();
      var tlY = y
      var brX = glyph.getPixelPositionX() + glyph.getPixelLength();
      var brY = y + glyph.getHeight(); 
      return tlX >= selectionTlX
         && brX <= selectionBrX
         && tlY >= selectionTlY
         && brY <= selectionBrY;


returns the height of this glyph/feature in pixels

  • return: Int height

  • api: public

getHeight : function() {
      var glyph = this;
      return ( glyph.lane.getHeight() );


converts glyph.color into the format taken by canvas.context.fillStyle

  • return: Sting | Object fillStyle

  • api: public

getFillStyle : function() {
      var glyph = this;
      var color = glyph.getAttr('color');
      if (color instanceof Array) {
         var lineargradient = this.lane.track.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
         var currColor;
         for(var i=0; currColor=color[i], i < color.length; i++)
            lineargradient.addColorStop(i / (color.length-1), currColor);
         return lineargradient
      } else if ( color instanceof Function) {
         var lineargradient = this.lane.track.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
        return color(lineargradient); 
      } else 
         return color;


converts glyph.borderColor into the format taken by canvas.context.fillStyle

  • return: Sting | Object fillStyle

  • api: public

getStrokeStyle : function() {
      var glyph = this;
      var color = glyph.getAttr('borderColor');
      if (typeof(color) == "object") {
         var lineargradient = this.lane.ctx.createLinearGradient(this./2, 0, this.length/2, this.getHeight());
         var currColor;
         for(var i=0; currColor=color[i], i < color.length; i++)
            lineargradient.addColorStop(i / (color.length-1), currColor);
         return lineargradient
      } else 
         return color;


checks if glyph/feature has a parent

  • return: Boolean isSubFeature?

  • api: public

isSubFeature: function() {
      return (this.parent != undefined);


erase this glyph/feature

  • api: public

erase: function() {
      var glyph = this;;
      glyph.ctx.clearRect(glyph.getPixelPositionX(), glyph.getPixelPositionY(), glyph.getPixelLength(), glyph.getHeight());


add function to glyph that executes before the glyph is drawn

  • param: Function function - takes glyph as param, returns true to stop the normal draw, false to allow

  • return: Int id - returns the uniqe id for the hook which is used to remove it

  • api: public

addDrawHook: function(fn, hookId) {
      var uid = hookId || _uniqueId('drawHook');
      this.hooks[uid] = fn;
      return uid;


removes function to glyph that executes before the glyph is drawn

  • param: Int id - the id of drawHook function that will be removed

  • api: public

removeDrawHook: function(uid) {
       delete this.hooks[uid];


add tooltip to glyph. Can add multiple tooltips

  • param: Int placement - two options 'above' glyph or 'below' glyph

  • param: Int verticalOffset - + numbers for up, - for down

  • param: Hash options - optional attributes, horizontalOffset and ntOffset (nucleotide)

  • return: Object tooltip

  • api: public

addTooltip: function(text, placement, verticalOffset, opts){
      var glyph = this;
      var tt = new Tooltip(text, placement, verticalOffset, opts);
      tt.feature = glyph;
      glyph.tooltips.push( tt );


draws the tooltips associated with this feature

  • api: public

fireTooltips: function() {
       for (var i=0; i < this.tooltips.length; i++)


draws the glyph

  • api: internal

draw: function() {
      var glyph = this;
      // set ctx
      glyph.ctx = glyph.lane.chart.ctx;
      // intialize
      var fontSize = /^\d+/.exec(glyph.ctx.font);
      var font = /\S+$/.exec(glyph.ctx.font);
      var fontSizeMin = 10;
      glyph.onClick = glyph.getAttr('onClick');
      glyph.onMouseover = glyph.getAttr('onMouseover');
      glyph.ctx.fillStyle = glyph.getFillStyle();
      var fillStyle = glyph.ctx.fillStyle;
      var position = glyph.getPixelPositionX();
      var height = glyph.getHeight();
      (height < fontSizeMin) ? glyph.ctx.font = fontSizeMin + "px " + font : glyph.ctx.font = height *.9 + "px " + font;					
      // setup ctx position and orientation
      glyph.ctx.translate(position, 0);			
      if (glyph.strand == '-' && !glyph.isSubFeature()) 
         glyph.ctx.transform(-1, 0, 0, 1, glyph.getPixelLength(), 0);
      var dontDraw = false;
      for (var i in glyph.hooks) {
         dontDraw = glyph.hooks[i](glyph) || dontDraw;
      if (!dontDraw) {
         // draw glyph with subclass specific draw
      // draw border color
      if (glyph.borderColor != "none") {
         if(glyph.color == 'none' && glyph.parent.glyphType == 'Complex') {
         var saveStrokeStyle = glyph.ctx.strokeStyle;
         var saveLineWidth = glyph.ctx.lineWidth;
         glyph.ctx.strokeStyle = glyph.getStrokeStyle();
         glyph.ctx.lineWidth = glyph.getAttr('borderWidth');
         glyph.ctx.strokeStyle = saveStrokeStyle;
         glyph.ctx.lineWidth = saveLineWidth;
		// draw fill color
      if (glyph.color !="none") glyph.ctx.fill();
      // explicity change transformation matrix back -- it's faster than save restore!
      if (glyph.strand == '-' && !glyph.isSubFeature()) 
         glyph.ctx.transform(-1, 0, 0, 1, glyph.getPixelLength(), 0);

      // draw text
      // explicity change transformation matrix back -- it's faster than save restore!
      glyph.ctx.translate(-position, 0);
      glyph.ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
      // setup mouse events if need be


erases this specific glyph and redraws it

  • api: internal

redraw: function() {
      var glyph = this;;
      var y = glyph.getPixelPositionY();
      glyph.lane.ctx.translate(0, y);


Adds event support to Scribl

Chase Miller 2011

var MouseEventHandler = Class.extend({


Constructor, call this with new MouseEventHandler()

  • param: Object chart - Scribl object

  • return: Object MouseEventHandler object

  • api: internal

init: function(chart) {
      this.chart = chart;
      this.mouseX = null;
      this.mouseY = null;
      this.eventElement = undefined; 
      this.isEventDetected = false;	
      this.tooltip = new Tooltip("", 'above', -4);


registers event listeners if feature (or parent if part of complex feature) has mouse events associated with it

  • param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • api: internal

addEvents: function(feature) {
      var chart = this.chart;
      var ctx = chart.ctx;
      var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
      // check if any features use onmouseover and if so register an event listener if not already done
      if (feature.onMouseover && ! ) {
      	chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
      else if (feature.tooltips.length>0 && !{
      	chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
      else if (feature.parent && feature.parent.tooltips.length>0 && !{
      	chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
      else if (feature.parent && feature.parent.onMouseover && ! {
      	chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseover); = true;
      // check if any features use onclick and if so register event listeners if not already done
      if (feature.onClick && ! {
      	chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseStyle); = true;
      } else if (feature.parent && feature.parent.onClick && ! {
      	chart.addMouseoverEventListener(chart.myMouseEventHandler.handleMouseStyle); = true;
      // determine if cursor is currently in a drawn object (feature)
      if (!me.isEventDetected && ctx.isPointInPath_mozilla(me.mouseX,me.mouseY)) {
      	me.eventElement = feature;
      	me.isEventDetected = true;


sets the mouse position relative to the canvas

  • param: Object e - event

  • api: internal

setMousePosition: function(e) {
      if (e!=null) {
         var rect = this.chart.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
         this.mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left;
         this.mouseY = e.clientY -;


gets called when there is a click and determines how to handle it

  • param: Object chart - Scribl object

  • api: internal

handleClick: function(chart) {
      var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
      var clicked = me.eventElement;
      var onClick;
      // check if the click occured on a feature/object with an onClick property
      if (clicked != undefined && clicked.onClick != undefined)
         onClick = clicked.onClick
      else if (clicked && clicked.parent && clicked.parent.onClick)
         onClick = clicked.parent.onClick
         // open window if string
         if (typeof(onClick) == "string"){; }
         // if function run function with feature as argument
         else if (typeof(onClick) == "function"){ onClick(clicked); }


gets called when there is a mouseover and fires tooltip if necessary

  • param: Object chart - Scribl object

  • api: internal

handleMouseover: function(chart) {
      var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
      var clicked = me.eventElement;
      // handle mouseover tooltips
      if (clicked && clicked.onMouseover == undefined && clicked.parent && clicked.parent.onMouseover) {
         clicked.onMouseover = clicked.parent.onMouseover
      if(clicked && clicked.onMouseover) {
         // open window if string
         if (typeof(clicked.onMouseover) == "string"){; }
         // if function run function with feature as argument
         else if (typeof(clicked.onMouseover) == "function"){ clicked.onMouseover(clicked); }
      // handle tooltip object tooltips
      if (clicked && clicked.tooltips.length > 0)


changes cursor to pointer if the feature the mouse is over can be clicked

  • param: Object chart - Scribl object

  • api: internal

handleMouseStyle: function(chart) {
      var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
      var obj = me.eventElement;
      var ctx = chart.ctx;
      if (obj && obj.onClick != undefined) = 'pointer';
      else if (obj && obj.parent && obj.parent.onClick != undefined) = 'pointer';
      else = 'auto'; 		


resets the state of the mouseEventHandler

  • param: Object chart - Scribl object

  • api: internal

reset: function(chart) {
      var me = chart.myMouseEventHandler;
      me.mouseX = null;
      me.mouseY = null;
      me.eventElement = undefined;
      me.isEventDetected = null;
      me.elementIndexCounter = 0;

// FIX FOR FIREFOX BUG in ctx.isPointInPath() function
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath_mozilla = function( x, y )
   if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') != -1){;
      this.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
      var ret = this.isPointInPath( x, y );
   } else
      var ret = this.isPointInPath( x, y );
   return ret;




Adds event support to Scribl

Chase Miller 2011

var Tooltip = Class.extend({


Constructor, call this with new tooltips()

  • param: Object chart - Scribl object

  • return: Object tooltip object

  • api: internal

init: function(text, placement, verticalOffset, opts) {
	   var tt = this;    
	   tt.text = text; 
      tt.placement = placement || 'above';
      tt.verticalOffset = verticalOffset || 0;      
      // set option attributes if any
      for (var attribute in opts)
         tt[attribute] = opts[attribute];
      tt.horizontalOffset = tt.horizontalOffset || 0;
      tt.ntOffset = tt.ntOffset || 0;


fires the tooltip

  • param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • api: internal

fire: function(ft) {  		
      // get curr opacity
      var feature = ft || this.feature;
      this.chart = feature.lane.track.chart;
      this.ctx = this.chart.ctx;
      this.draw(feature, 1);


draws tooltip

  • param: Object feature - any of the derived Glyph classes (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)

  • param: Int opacity

  • api: internal

draw: function(feature, opacity) {
      this.ctx.globalAlpha = opacity;	
      // define attributes
      var roundness = this.chart.tooltips.roundness;
      var font = this.chart.tooltips.text.font;
      var fontSize = this.chart.tooltips.text.size;
      var text = this.text || feature.onMouseover;
      // Save;
      this.ctx.font = fontSize +  "px " + font;
      // determine properties of line
      var dim = this.ctx.measureText(text);
      var textlines = [text];
      var height = fontSize + 10;
      var length = dim.width + 10;
      var vertical_offset = height - 4;
      var fillStyle;
      var strokeStyle;
      // determine nt offset
      var ntOffsetPx = 0;
      if(feature.seq) {
         var lengthPx = feature.getPixelLength();
         ntOffsetPx = this.ntOffset * (lengthPx / feature.length);
      // Get coordinates
      var x = feature.getPixelPositionX() + this.horizontalOffset + ntOffsetPx;
      var y;
      if (this.placement == 'below')
         y = feature.getPixelPositionY() + feature.getHeight() - this.verticalOffset;
         y = feature.getPixelPositionY() - height - this.verticalOffset;
      // var x = feature.getPixelPositionX();
      // var y = feature.getPixelPositionY() + feature.getHeight();
      // linewrap text
      var geneLength = feature.getPixelLength();
      var mincols = 200;
      if (length > mincols) {
         var charpixel = this.ctx.measureText("s").width;
         var max = parseInt(mincols / charpixel);
         var formattedText = ScriblWrapLines(max, text);
         length = mincols + 10;
         height = formattedText[1]*fontSize + 10;
         textlines = formattedText[0];
      // check if tooltip will run off screen
      if (length + x > this.chart.width)
         x = this.chart.width - length;
      // draw light style
      if ( == "light" ) {
         fillStyle = this.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(x + /2, y, x + length/2, y + height);  
         fillStyle.addColorStop(0,'rgb(253, 248, 196)');
         fillStyle.addColorStop(.75,'rgb(253, 248, 196)');  
         strokeStyle = this.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(x + /2, y, x + length/2, y + height);  
         strokeStyle.addColorStop(1,'rgb(64, 64, 64)');
         this.chart.tooltips.text.color = "black";
      // draw dark style	
      } else if ( == "dark" ) {		
         fillStyle = this.chart.ctx.createLinearGradient(x + /2, y, x + length/2, y + height);  
         fillStyle.addColorStop(0,'rgb(64, 64, 64)');
         fillStyle.addColorStop(1,'rgb(121, 121, 121)');  
         strokeStyle = "white";
         this.chart.tooltips.text.color = "white";
		this.chart.lastToolTips.push( { 
		   'pixels' : this.ctx.getImageData(x-1, y-1, length+2, height+2),
		   'x' : x-1,
		   'y' : y-1
      this.ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
      // calculate points
      // top left corner
      tlc_ctrl_x = x; 				// control point
      tlc_ctrl_y = y;
      tlc_lgth_x = x + roundness; 	// horizontal point
      tlc_lgth_y = y;
      tlc_wdth_x = x;				// vertical point
      tlc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
      // bottom left corner
      blc_ctrl_x = x; 				// control point
      blc_ctrl_y = y + height;
      blc_lgth_x = x + roundness; 	// horizontal point
      blc_lgth_y = y + height;
      blc_wdth_x = x;				// vertical point
      blc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
      // bottom right corner
      brc_ctrl_x = x + length; 				// control point
      brc_ctrl_y = y + height;
      brc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness; 	// horizontal point
      brc_lgth_y = y + height;
      brc_wdth_x = x + length;				// vertical point
      brc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
      // top right corner
      trc_ctrl_x = x + length; 				// control point
      trc_ctrl_y = y;
      trc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness; 	// horizontal point
      trc_lgth_y = y;
      trc_wdth_x = x + length;				// vertical point
      trc_wdth_y = y + roundness;

      // draw lines
      // top left corner
      this.ctx.moveTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y);       
      this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(tlc_ctrl_x, tlc_ctrl_y, tlc_wdth_x, tlc_wdth_y);
      // bottom left corner
      	this.ctx.lineTo(blc_wdth_x, blc_wdth_y);
      this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(blc_ctrl_x, blc_ctrl_y, blc_lgth_x, blc_lgth_y);
      // bottom right corner
      	this.ctx.lineTo(brc_lgth_x, brc_lgth_y);
      this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(brc_ctrl_x, brc_ctrl_y, brc_wdth_x, brc_wdth_y);
      // top right corner
      	this.ctx.lineTo(trc_wdth_x, trc_wdth_y);
      this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(trc_ctrl_x, trc_ctrl_y, trc_lgth_x, trc_lgth_y);
      // top line
      this.ctx.lineTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y);
      this.ctx.lineWidth = this.chart.tooltips.borderWidth;
      this.ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
      // draw text;
      this.ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
      this.ctx.fillStyle = this.chart.tooltips.text.color;
      for (var i=0; i < textlines.length; i++) {
         var dim = this.ctx.measureText(textlines[i]);
         this.ctx.fillText(textlines[i], x + 5  , y + fontSize*(i+1));





Chase Miller 2011


transforms text to fit in a column of given width

  • param: Int max - column width in letters

  • param: String text

  • return: String formatted text

  • api: internal

function ScriblWrapLines(max, text) {
	var lines = [];
	text = "" + text;
	var temp = "";
	var chcount = 0; 
	var linecount = 0;
	var words = text.split(" ");
	for (var i=0; i < words.length; i++) {
		if ((words[i].length + temp.length) <= max)
			temp += " " + words[i]
		else {
			// word is bigger than line break
			if (temp == "") {
				trunc1 = words[i].slice(0, max-1);
				temp += " " + trunc1 + "-"
				trunc2 = words[i].slice(max, words[i].length);
				words.splice(i+1, 0, trunc2);
				temp = "";
			else {
				temp = "";
	return ([lines, linecount]); // sends value of temp back

create unique ids

var idCounter = 0;
_uniqueId = function(prefix) {
  var id = idCounter++;
  return prefix ? prefix + id : id;

// polyfill for older browsers
Object.keys=Object.keys||function(o,k,r){r=[];for(k in o),k)&&r.push(k);return r}

add indexOf if not implemented for compatibility with older browsers

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {  
    Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement

, fromIndex

) {  
        "use strict";  
        if (this === void 0 || this === null) {  
            throw new TypeError();  
        var t = Object(this);  
        var len = t.length >>> 0;  
        if (len === 0) {  
            return -1;  
        var n = 0;  
        if (arguments.length > 0) {  
            n = Number(arguments[1]);  
            if (n !== n) { // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN  
                n = 0;  
            } else if (n !== 0 && n !== Infinity && n !== -Infinity) {  
                n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));  
        if (n >= len) {  
            return -1;  
        var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);  
        for (; k < len; k++) {  
            if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {  
                return k;  
        return -1;  



utility functions for converting canvas to svg

var CanvasToSVG = {
	idCounter: 0,
	convert: function(sourceCanvas, targetSVG, x, y) {
		var svgNS = "";
		var xlinkNS = "";

		// get base64 encoded png from Canvas
		var image = sourceCanvas.toDataURL();

		// must be careful with the namespaces
		var svgimg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");

		svgimg.setAttribute('id', 'importedCanvas_' + this.idCounter++);
		svgimg.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, 'xlink:href', image);

		svgimg.setAttribute('x', x ? x : 0);
		svgimg.setAttribute('y', y ? y : 0);
		svgimg.setAttribute('width', sourceCanvas.width);
		svgimg.setAttribute('height', sourceCanvas.height);
		// pixel data needs to be saved because of firefox data:// url bug:
		svgimg.imageData = sourceCanvas.toDataURL();

var toXml = function(str) {
	return $('<p/>').text(str).html();

// Function: svgCanvasToString
// Main function to set up the SVG content for output 
// Returns: 
// String containing the SVG image for output

var svgToString = function(svgcontent) {
	// keep calling it until there are none to remove
	while (removeUnusedDefElems() > 0) {};
	// Keep SVG-Edit comment on top
	$.each(svgcontent.childNodes, function(i, node) {
		if(i && node.nodeType == 8 &&'Created with') >= 0) {
			svgcontent.insertBefore(node, svgcontent.firstChild);
	// Move out of in-group editing mode
	if(current_group) {
	var naked_svgs = [];
	// Unwrap gsvg if it has no special attributes (only id and style)
	$(svgcontent).find('g:data(gsvg)').each(function() {
		var attrs = this.attributes;
		var len = attrs.length;
		for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
			if(attrs[i].nodeName == 'id' || attrs[i].nodeName == 'style') {
		// No significant attributes, so ungroup
		if(len <= 0) {
			var svg = this.firstChild;
	var output = svgToString(svgcontent, 0);
	// Rewrap gsvg
	if(naked_svgs.length) {
		$(naked_svgs).each(function() {
	return output;

// Function: svgToString
// Sub function ran on each SVG element to convert it to a string as desired
// Parameters: 
// elem - The SVG element to convert
// indent - Integer with the amount of spaces to indent this tag
// Returns: 
// String with the given element as an SVG tag
var svgToString = function(elem, indent) {
	var out = new Array();//, toXml;// = Utils.toXml;

	if (elem) {
		var attrs = elem.attributes,
			childs = elem.childNodes;
		for (var i=0; i<indent; i++) out.push(" ");
		out.push("<"); out.push(elem.nodeName);			
		if( == 'svgcontent') {
			// Process root element separately
			var res = getResolution();
			out.push(' width="' + res.w + '" height="' + res.h + '" xmlns="'+svgns+'"');
			var nsuris = {};
			// Check elements for namespaces, add if found
			$(elem).find('*').andSelf().each(function() {
				var el = this;
				$.each(this.attributes, function(i, attr) {
					var uri = attr.namespaceURI;
					if(uri && !nsuris[uri] && nsMap[uri] !== 'xmlns' && nsMap[uri] !== 'xml' ) {
						nsuris[uri] = true;
						out.push(" xmlns:" + nsMap[uri] + '="' + uri +'"');
			var i = attrs.length;
			while (i--) {
				attr = attrs.item(i);
				var attrVal = toXml(attr.nodeValue);
				// Namespaces have already been dealt with, so skip
				if(attr.nodeName.indexOf('xmlns:') === 0) continue;

				// only serialize attributes we don't use internally
				if (attrVal != "" && 
					['width','height','xmlns','x','y','viewBox','id','overflow'].indexOf(attr.localName) == -1) 

					if(!attr.namespaceURI || nsMap[attr.namespaceURI]) {
						out.push(' '); 
						out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push("=\"");
						out.push(attrVal); out.push("\"");
		} else {
			for (var i=attrs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
				attr = attrs.item(i);
				var attrVal = toXml(attr.nodeValue);
				//remove bogus attributes added by Gecko
				if (['-moz-math-font-style', '_moz-math-font-style'].indexOf(attr.localName) >= 0) continue;
				if (attrVal != "") {
					if(attrVal.indexOf('pointer-events') === 0) continue;
					if(attr.localName === "class" && attrVal.indexOf('se_') === 0) continue;
					out.push(" "); 
					if(attr.localName === 'd') attrVal = pathActions.convertPath(elem, true);
					//if(!isNaN(attrVal)) {
					//	attrVal = shortFloat(attrVal);
					// Embed images when saving 
               // if(save_options.apply
               //    && elem.nodeName === 'image' 
               //    && attr.localName === 'href'
               //    && save_options.images
               //    && save_options.images === 'embed') 
               // {
               //    var img = encodableImages[attrVal];
               //    if(img) attrVal = img;
               // }
					// map various namespaces to our fixed namespace prefixes
					// (the default xmlns attribute itself does not get a prefix)
				//	if(!attr.namespaceURI || attr.namespaceURI == svgns || nsMap[attr.namespaceURI]) {
						out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push("=\"");
						out.push(attrVal); out.push("\"");
				//	}

		if (elem.hasChildNodes()) {
			var bOneLine = false;
			for (var i=0; i<childs.length; i++)
				var child = childs.item(i);
				switch(child.nodeType) {
				case 1: // element node
					out.push(svgToString(childs.item(i), indent));
				case 3: // text node
					var str = child.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
					if (str != "") {
						bOneLine = true;
						out.push(toXml(str) + "");
				case 8: // comment
					out.push(new Array(indent+1).join(" "));
				} // switch on node type
			if (!bOneLine) {
				for (var i=0; i<indent; i++) out.push(" ");
			out.push("</"); out.push(elem.nodeName); out.push(">");
		} else {
	return out.join('');
}; // end svgToString()




Glyph used to draw any arrow shape

Chase Miller 2011

var Arrow = Glyph.extend({


Constructor, call this with new Arrow()

  • param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with

  • param: Int position - start position of the glyph

  • param: Int length - length of the glyph

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph

  • api: public

init: function(type, position, strand, opts) {
         // call base class glyph init method to initialize glyph
         this._super(type, position, 0, strand, opts);
         // set defaults
         this.slope = 1;
         this.glyphType = "Arrow";
         this.thickness = 4.6


gets pixel thickness

  • preturn: Int pixelThickness

  • api: internal

getPixelThickness: function() {
         var arrow = this;
         var height = arrow.getHeight();
         var arrowLength = /2 / Math.tan(Math.atan(arrow.slope))
         return ( arrow.thickness / 10 * arrowLength );


erase this glyph/feature

  • api: public

erase: function() {
         var arrow = this;
         var thickness =  arrow.getPixelThickness();
         arrow.ctx.clearRect( -thickness,0, thickness, arrow.getHeight() );


private arrow specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_

  • para: m [context] - optional canvas.context
  • para: m [length] - optional length of glyph/feature
  • para: m [height] - optional height of lane
  • para: m [roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
  • api: internal

_draw : function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {

         // Initialize
         var arrow = this;
         // see if optional parameters are set and get chart specific info
         var ctx = ctx || arrow.ctx;
         var height = height || arrow.getHeight();
         var roundness = roundness + 1 || arrow.calcRoundness();
         if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1;
         var thickness =  arrow.getPixelThickness();
         var arrowLength = 0;
         // set start x and y draw locations to 0
         x = y = 0;			
         // arrow x and control coords
         a_b_x = x - arrowLength - roundness;  // bottom x coord					
         a_t_x = x - arrowLength - roundness; // top point x coord
         a_max_x = x  - arrowLength;  // the furthest point of the arrow
         // use bezier quadratic equation to calculate control point x coord
         t = .5  // solve for end of arrow
         a_ctrl_x = ( a_max_x - (1-t)*(1-t)*a_b_x - t*t*a_t_x ) / ( 2*(1-t)*t )
         a_ctrl_y = y + height/2;
         // arrow slope and intercept
         bs_slope = arrow.slope;
         bs_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - bs_slope * a_ctrl_x;
         ts_slope = -arrow.slope;
         ts_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - ts_slope * a_ctrl_x;
         // arrow y coords
         a_b_y = -(bs_slope * a_b_x + bs_intercept);
         a_t_y = -(ts_slope * a_t_x + ts_intercept);
         // draw lines
         // bottom slope
         bs_ctrl_y = y + height;
         bs_ctrl_x = ( (-bs_ctrl_y - bs_intercept)/arrow.slope ); 	// control point
         bs_slpe_x = bs_ctrl_x + roundness + roundness;		// slope point
         bs_slpe_y = -(bs_slope * bs_slpe_x + bs_intercept);
         ctx.moveTo(bs_slpe_x, bs_slpe_y);		
         // bottom outer-line
          ctx.lineTo( a_b_x, a_b_y );
         // front part of arrow
          ctx.quadraticCurveTo(a_ctrl_x, a_ctrl_y, a_t_x, a_t_y);
         // top outer-line
         // top slope					
         ts_ctrl_y = y;
         ts_ctrl_x = (ts_ctrl_y + ts_intercept)/arrow.slope ; 	// control point      
         ts_slpe_x = ts_ctrl_x + roundness + roundness;		// slope point
         ts_slpe_y = -(ts_slope * ts_slpe_x + ts_intercept);
         ctx.lineTo(ts_slpe_x, ts_slpe_y);
         // top u-turn
         // angle needed to get the x, y position of a point on the inner line perpendicular to a point on the outer line
         var theta = ( Math.PI - Math.abs(Math.atan(arrow.slope)) ) - Math.PI/2;
         var dX = Math.sin(theta) * thickness;
         var dY = Math.cos(theta) * thickness;
         var arcTX = ts_slpe_x - dX;
         var arcTY = ts_slpe_y + dY;
         ctx.bezierCurveTo(ts_ctrl_x, ts_ctrl_y, ts_ctrl_x-dX, ts_ctrl_y+dY,  arcTX, arcTY);
         // inner top-line
         ctx.lineTo(a_max_x-thickness, y + height/2);
         // inner bottom-line
         var arcBX = bs_slpe_x - dX;
         var arcBY = bs_slpe_y - dY;
         ctx.lineTo(arcBX, arcBY);
         // bottom uturn
         ctx.bezierCurveTo(bs_ctrl_x-dX, bs_ctrl_y-dY, bs_ctrl_x, bs_ctrl_y,  bs_slpe_x, bs_slpe_y);
         // ctx.fill();	





Glyph used to draw any blockarrow shape

Chase Miller 2011

var BlockArrow = Glyph.extend({


Constructor, call this with new BlockArrow()

  • param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with

  • param: Int position - start position of the glyph

  • param: Int length - length of the glyph

  • param: String strand - '+' or '-' strand

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph

  • api: public

init: function(type, position, length, strand, opts) {
         // call super init method to initialize glyph
         this._super(type, position, length, strand, opts);
         this.slope = 1;
         this.glyphType = "BlockArrow";


private blockarrow specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_

  • para: m [context] - optional canvas.context
  • para: m [length] - optional length of glyph/feature
  • para: m [height] - optional height of lane
  • para: m [roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
  • api: internal

_draw : function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {

         // Initialize
         var blockarrow = this;
         // see if optional parameters are set and get chart specific info
         var ctx = ctx || blockarrow.ctx;
         var length = length || blockarrow.getPixelLength();
         var height = height || blockarrow.getHeight();
         var roundness = roundness + 1 || blockarrow.calcRoundness();         
         if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1;

         var side = length*.75;
         // set start x and y draw locations to 0
         x = y = 0;
         // calculate points
         // top corner
         tc_ctrl_x = x; 				// control point
         tc_ctrl_y = y;
         tc_lgth_x = x + roundness; 	// horizontal point
         tc_lgth_y = y;
         tc_wdth_x = x;				// vertical point
         tc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
         // bottom corner
         bc_ctrl_x = x; 				// control point
         bc_ctrl_y = y + height;
         bc_lgth_x = x + roundness; 	// horizontal point
         bc_lgth_y = y + height;
         bc_wdth_x = x;				// vertical point
         bc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
         // arrow x and control coords
         a_b_x = x + length - roundness;  // bottom x coord					
         a_t_x = x + length - roundness; // top point x coord
         a_max_x = x + length;  // the furthest point of the arrow
         // use bezier quadratic equation to calculate control point x coord
         t = .5  // solve for end of arrow
         a_ctrl_x = Math.round( (( a_max_x - (1-t)*(1-t)*a_b_x - t*t*a_t_x ) / ( 2*(1-t)*t ))*10 )/10;
         a_ctrl_y = y + height/2;
         // arrow slope and intercept
         bs_slope = blockarrow.slope;
         bs_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - bs_slope * a_ctrl_x;
         ts_slope = -blockarrow.slope;
         ts_intercept = (-a_ctrl_y) - ts_slope * a_ctrl_x;
         // arrow y coords
         a_b_y = -(Math.round( (bs_slope * a_b_x + bs_intercept)*10 )/10);
         a_t_y = -(Math.round( (ts_slope * a_t_x + ts_intercept)*10 )/10);
         // bottom slope
         bs_ctrl_y = y + height;
         bs_ctrl_x = ( (-bs_ctrl_y - bs_intercept)/blockarrow.slope ); 	// control point
         if (bs_ctrl_x < x ) {
            var r = new Rect(blockarrow.type, 0, length);
            r._draw(ctx, length, height, roundness);
         bs_lgth_y = y + height; 	// horizontal point
         bs_lgth_x = bs_ctrl_x - roundness;											
         bs_slpe_x = bs_ctrl_x + roundness;		// slope point
         bs_slpe_y = -(Math.round( (bs_slope * bs_slpe_x + bs_intercept)*10 )/10);	
         // top slope					
         ts_ctrl_y = y;
         ts_ctrl_x = (ts_ctrl_y + ts_intercept)/blockarrow.slope ; 	// control point      
         ts_lgth_y = y; 	// horizontal point
         ts_lgth_x = ts_ctrl_x - roundness;	
         ts_slpe_x = ts_ctrl_x + roundness;		// slope point
         ts_slpe_y = -(Math.round( (ts_slope * ts_slpe_x + ts_intercept)*10 )/10);
         // draw lines
         // top left corner
         ctx.moveTo(tc_lgth_x, tc_lgth_y); 
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(tc_ctrl_x, tc_ctrl_y, tc_wdth_x, tc_wdth_y);
         // bottom left corner
         ctx.lineTo(bc_wdth_x, bc_wdth_y);
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(bc_ctrl_x, bc_ctrl_y, bc_lgth_x, bc_lgth_y);
         // bottom right slope
         ctx.lineTo(bs_lgth_x, bs_lgth_y);
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(bs_ctrl_x, bs_ctrl_y, bs_slpe_x, bs_slpe_y);
         // arrow
         ctx.lineTo( a_b_x, a_b_y );
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(a_ctrl_x, a_ctrl_y, a_t_x, a_t_y);
         // top right slope
         ctx.lineTo(ts_slpe_x, ts_slpe_y);
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(ts_ctrl_x, ts_ctrl_y, ts_lgth_x, ts_lgth_y);
         // top line
         ctx.lineTo(tc_lgth_x, tc_lgth_y);						




Glyph used to letters e.g nucleotides or proteins

Chase Miller 2011

var Seq = Glyph.extend({


Constructor, call this with new seq()

  • param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with

  • param: Int position - start position of the glyph

  • param: Int length - length of the glyph

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph

  • api: public

init: function(type, position, length, seq, opts) {
		   this.seq = seq;         
		   this.insertions = [];
		   // used to show bar chart like information; range 0.0 - 1.0
		   this.fraction = 1;
		   this.fractionLevel = 0.3; // level where seq shows as fraction (in pixels)           
         this.glyphType = "Seq";    
         this.font = "px courier";
         this.chars = {};
         this.chars.width = undefined;
         this.chars.height = undefined;
         this.chars.list = ['A', 'G', 'T', 'C', 'N', '-'];
         this._super(type, position, length, undefined, opts);


private letter specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_

  • para: m [context] - optional canvas.context
  • para: m [length] - optional length of glyph/feature
  • para: m [height] - optional height of lane
  • api: internal

_draw: function(ctx, length, height) {
          // initialize
          var seq = this;
          var fraction = 1;
          if (seq.lane.chart.ntsToPixels() <= seq.fractionLevel)
            fraction = this.fraction
          // see if optional parameters
          var ctx = ctx || seq.ctx;
          var length = length || seq.getPixelLength();
          var height = height || seq.getHeight();
          // get coords
          var left = seq.getPixelPositionX();
          var top = seq.getPixelPositionY();          
          // check if nts images have been built
          var chars = SCRIBL.chars;

          // check if image chars need to be built for this height
          if ( !chars.heights[height] ) {
             // build nt images
             chars.heights[height] = [];
             for (var i=0; i < this.chars.list.length; i++) {
                var nt = this.chars.list[i];
                var ntName = nt;
                if (nt == '-') { ntName = 'dash'; }
                var charName = "nt_" + ntName + '_bg';                
                this.createChar(nt, chars.nt_color, chars[charName], height);
          // Set starting draw position
          x = y = 0;      
          if (seq.imgCanvas) {
             ctx.drawImage(seq.imgCanvas, left, top - height*fraction, length, height*fraction);
          } else {
             ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
             var origFont = ctx.font;
             var size = /[\d+px]/.exec(origFont) + 'px';
             ctx.font = size + " courier";
             ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
             ctx.textAlign = 'left';
             var seqPx = this.seq.length * chars.heights[height].width;
             // draw text;
             seq.imgCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
             seq.imgCanvas.width = seqPx;
             seq.imgCanvas.height = height;
             var tmpCtx = seq.imgCanvas.getContext('2d');

             var pos = 0;
             var k = 0;
             for (var i=0; i < this.seq.length; i++) {
                if (!chars.heights[height][ this.seq[i] ]) {
                   this.createChar(this.seq[i], 'black', 'white', height);
                var charGlyph = this.seq[i];
                if (this.insertions.length > 1) {
                   var h = 2;
                if (this.insertions[k] && this.insertions[k]['pos'] != undefined) {
                  if (this.insertions[k]['pos'] -1 == i ){
                     charGlyph += 'rightInsert';
                  } else if (this.insertions[k] && this.insertions[k]['pos'] == i){
                     charGlyph += 'leftInsert';
                tmpCtx.drawImage(chars.heights[height][ charGlyph ],pos,y);
                pos += chars.heights[height].width;

             ctx.drawImage(seq.imgCanvas, x, height - height*fraction, length, height*fraction);
             //ctx.drawImage(seq.imgCanvas, x, y, length, height);
             ctx.font = origFont;

         // this is horrible
         // have to draw an outline around the nucleotides
         // so that the mousehover will work b\c mousehover
         // only works with drawn Paths and not drawn Images :(            
         ctx.lineTo(length, y);
         ctx.lineTo(length, y + height);
         ctx.lineTo(x, y+height);
         ctx.lineTo(x, y);
         ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
         if (seq.lane.chart.ntsToPixels() <= seq.fractionLevel)
            ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)';
            ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';


creates glyphs of a given character

  • param: Char - the char to create glyph of

  • param: String - string of char color in rgb or hex

  • param: String - string of char background color in rgb or hex

  • param: Int - height of glyph

  • api: internal

createChar: function(theChar, color, backgroundColor, height) {                  
      var seq = this;
      var chart = seq.lane.track.chart;
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      var buffer = 2;
      var fontsize = height - buffer;
      ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
      var width = ctx.measureText(theChar).width + buffer;
      canvas.height = height;
      canvas.width = width;
      SCRIBL.chars.heights[height].width = width;
      // draw standard nt
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
      canvas.height = height;
      canvas.width = width;
      var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
      ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
      ctx.fillRect(0,0, width, height);
      ctx.fillStyle = color;
      ctx.textAlign = 'center';
      ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
      ctx.fillText(theChar, /2, height/2);
      // store canvas with glyph in global variable
      SCRIBL.chars.heights[height][theChar] = canvas;
      ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
      // draw nt with insert to the right
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
      canvas.height = height;
      canvas.width = width;
      var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
      ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;      
      ctx.fillRect(0,0, width, height);
      ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
      ctx.arcTo(width,height, width,0, height/2);
      ctx.lineTo(0, height)
      ctx.fillStyle = color;
      ctx.textAlign = 'center';
      ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
      ctx.fillText(theChar, /2, height/2);
      // store canvas with glyph in global variable
      SCRIBL.chars.heights[height][theChar + 'rightInsert'] = canvas;
      ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
      // draw nt with insertion to the left
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      ctx.font = fontsize + 'px courier';
      canvas.height = height;
      canvas.width = width;      
      var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
      ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
      ctx.fillRect(0,0, width, height);
      ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
      ctx.arcTo(0,height, 0,0, height/2);
      ctx.lineTo(width, height)
      ctx.fillStyle = color;
      ctx.textAlign = 'center';
      ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
      ctx.fillText(theChar, /2, height/2);
      // store canvas with glyph in global variable
      SCRIBL.chars.heights[height][theChar + 'leftInsert'] = canvas;
      ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;




Complex is used to draw any feature that has splices (e.g gene with subFeatures and introns, etc) Or any feature that should be made up of other features

Chase Miller 2011

var Complex = Glyph.extend({


Constructor, call this with new Complex()

  • param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with

  • param: Int position - start position of the glyph

  • param: Int length - length of the glyph

  • param: Array subFeatures - array of derived Glyph objects (e.g Rect, Arrow, etc...)

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph

  • api: public

init: function(type, position, length, strand, subFeatures, opts) {
         // call super init method to initialize glyph
         this._super(type, position, length, strand, opts);
         // instantiate and set defaults
         this.slope = 1;
         this.glyphType = "Complex";
         this.subFeatures = subFeatures;
         // instantiate connector line and set default attributes
         this.line =  new Line(type, 0, length);
         this.line.parent = this;
         this.line.color = "black";
         this.line.thickness = 2;			


adds subFeature to complex glyph/feature

  • param: subFeature
  • a derived Glyph object (e.g. Rect, Arrow, etc..)
  • api: public

addSubFeature : function(subFeature) {


private complex specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_

  • para: m [context] - optional canvas.context
  • para: m [length] - optional length of glyph/feature
  • para: m [height] - optional height of lane
  • para: m [roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
  • api: internal

_draw : function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {

         // Initialize
         var complex = this;
         // see if optional parameters are set and get chart specific info
         var ctx = ctx || complex.ctx;
         var length = length || complex.getPixelLength();
         var height = height || complex.getHeight();
         var roundness = roundness + 1 || complex.calcRoundness();
         if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1;
         // set start x and y draw locations to 0
         x = y = 0;
         // translate back the length of the complex glyph
         // so sub glyphs will be placed correctly
         ctx.translate(-complex.getPixelPositionX(), 0);
         // draw connector line
         complex.line.lane = this.lane;						
         // draw subFeatures
         var numsubFeatures = complex.subFeatures.length
         for (var i=0; i< numsubFeatures; i++) {				
            // set subFeature to same lane and draw
            complex.subFeatures[i].parent = complex;
            complex.subFeatures[i].lane = complex.lane;
         // redo translate so the next glyphs will be placed correctly
         ctx.translate(complex.getPixelPositionX(), 0);
         // end path so it doesn't get redrawn when parent tries to draw




Glyph used to draw any line shape

Chase Miller 2011

var Line = Glyph.extend({


Constructor, call this with new Line()

  • param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with

  • param: Int position - start position of the glyph

  • param: Int length - length of the glyph

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph

  • api: public

init: function(type, position, length, opts) {
         this.thickness = 2;
         this._super(type, position, length, undefined, opts);
         this.glyphType = "Line";


private line specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_

  • para: m [context] - optional canvas.context
  • para: m [length] - optional length of glyph/feature
  • para: m [height] - optional height of lane
  • para: m [roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
  • api: internal

_draw: function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {
          // initialize
          var line = this;
          // see if optional parameters
          var ctx = ctx || line.ctx;
          var length = length || line.getPixelLength();
          var height = height || line.getHeight();
          // Set starting draw position
          x = y = 0;
          ctx.moveTo(x, /2 - line.thickness/2);
          ctx.lineTo(x, /2 + line.thickness/2);
          ctx.lineTo(x+length, /2 + line.thickness/2);
          ctx.lineTo(x+length, /2 - line.thickness/2);
//			ctx.fill();			
//			ctx.fillRect(x, height/2 - line.thickness/2, length, line.thickness);




Glyph used to draw any rectangle shape

Chase Miller 2011

var Rect = Glyph.extend({


Constructor, call this with new Rect()

  • param: String type - a tag to associate this glyph with

  • param: Int position - start position of the glyph

  • param: Int length - length of the glyph

  • param: Hash [opts] - optional hash of attributes that can be applied to glyph

  • api: public

init: function(type, position, length, opts) {
         this._super(type, position, length, undefined, opts);
         //this._super(type, position, length, '+', opts);
         this.glyphType = "Rect";


private rect specific draw method that gets called by this.super.draw()_

  • para: m [context] - optional canvas.context
  • para: m [length] - optional length of glyph/feature
  • para: m [height] - optional height of lane
  • para: m [roundness] - optional roundness of glyph/feature
  • api: internal

_draw: function(ctx, length, height, roundness) {
         // initialize
         var rect = this;
         // see if optional parameters are set
         var ctx = ctx || rect.ctx;
         var length = length || rect.getPixelLength();
         var height = height || rect.getHeight();
         var roundness = roundness + 1 || rect.calcRoundness();
         if (roundness != undefined) roundness -= 1

         // Set starting draw position
         x = y = 0;

         // calculate points
         // top left corner
         tlc_ctrl_x = x; 				// control point
         tlc_ctrl_y = y;
         tlc_lgth_x = x + roundness; 	// horizontal point
         tlc_lgth_y = y;
         tlc_wdth_x = x;				// vertical point
         tlc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
         // bottom left corner
         blc_ctrl_x = x; 				// control point
         blc_ctrl_y = y + height;
         blc_lgth_x = x + roundness; 	// horizontal point
         blc_lgth_y = y + height;
         blc_wdth_x = x;				// vertical point
         blc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
         // bottom right corner
         brc_ctrl_x = x + length; 				// control point
         brc_ctrl_y = y + height;
         brc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness; 	// horizontal point
         brc_lgth_y = y + height;
         brc_wdth_x = x + length;				// vertical point
         brc_wdth_y = y + height - roundness;
         // top right corner
         trc_ctrl_x = x + length; 				// control point
         trc_ctrl_y = y;
         trc_lgth_x = x + length - roundness; 	// horizontal point
         trc_lgth_y = y;
         trc_wdth_x = x + length;				// vertical point
         trc_wdth_y = y + roundness;
         // draw lines
         // top left corner
         ctx.moveTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y); 
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(tlc_ctrl_x, tlc_ctrl_y, tlc_wdth_x, tlc_wdth_y);
         // bottom left corner
         ctx.lineTo(blc_wdth_x, blc_wdth_y);
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(blc_ctrl_x, blc_ctrl_y, blc_lgth_x, blc_lgth_y);
         // bottom right corner
         ctx.lineTo(brc_lgth_x, brc_lgth_y);
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(brc_ctrl_x, brc_ctrl_y, brc_wdth_x, brc_wdth_y);
         // top right corner
         ctx.lineTo(trc_wdth_x, trc_wdth_y);
         ctx.quadraticCurveTo(trc_ctrl_x, trc_ctrl_y, trc_lgth_x, trc_lgth_y);
         // top line
         ctx.lineTo(tlc_lgth_x, tlc_lgth_y);



Bed parser

function bed(file, chart) {
	var lines = file.split("\n");
	var features = [];
	var max = undefined;
	var min = undefined;
	// 	track name=pairedReads description="Clone Paired Reads" useScore=1
	var trackInfo = lines[0];
	// parse genes
	numFeatures = lines.length
	for( var j=1; j < numFeatures; j++ ) {
		if( lines[j] == "" ) break;
		var fields = lines[j].split(" ");
		//chrom chromStart chromEnd name score strand thickStart thickEnd itemRgb blockCount blockSizes blockStarts
		var chromStart = parseInt(fields[1]);
		var chromEnd = parseInt(fields[2]);
		var name = fields[0] + ": " + fields[3];
		var orientation = fields[5];
		var itemRgb = fields[8];
		var blockLengths = fields[10].split(',');
		var blockStarts = fields[11].split(',');

		var complex = chart.addFeature( new Complex('complex', chromStart, chromEnd, orientation, [], {'color':itemRgb, 'name':name}) );

		for( var k=0; k<blockLengths.length; k++) {
			if( blockLengths[k] == "") break;
			complex.addSubFeature( new BlockArrow('complex', parseInt(blockStarts[k]), parseInt(blockLengths[k]), orientation));



Genbank parser

function genbank(file, bchart) {
	var lines = file.split("\n");
	var re = new RegExp(/\s+gene\s+([a-z]*)\(?(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/);
	var genes = [];
	var max = undefined;
	var min = undefined;
	// parse genes
	for( var j=0; j < lines.length; j++ ) {

		var gene_info;
		if (gene_info = lines[j].match(re)) {
			// determine scale dimensions
			var end = gene_info[2];
			if (max == undefined || max > end)
				max = end;
			var position = gene_info[1];
			if (min == undefined || min < position)
				min = position;

	// set scale dimensions
	bchart.scale.max = max;
	bchart.scale.min = min;

	// add genes to chart
	for(var i=0; i < genes.length; i++ ) {
		// get positional values
		var strand = '+';
		if ( genes[i][0] == "complement" )
			strand = '-';
		var position = genes[i][1];
		var end = genes[i][2];
		position = position - 1 + 1;  // force to be integer - TODO make bChart catch non-ints automatically and gracefully fail
		var length = end - position;
		bchart.addGene(position, length, strand);

